"Personally I would shake the guys hand in standing up against a dictatorship wee reptile cow Nicola Sturgeon and her crap government who took away the rights of a working man to take a fish for the pot on mostly working men's rivers .

Depriving families up and down the country of the taste of wild Scottish salmon . Forcing families to eat her sanctioned Norwegian shite kiddy on salmon ? Its her government that is wasting wild fish stocks - not fishermen !!!!!!!!

Whilst not condoning a fisherman who butchers every single fish he catches or fisherman who takes more than he ever needs for the sake of it .........

I hope every normal sane fisherman out there sticks the centre finger up to her and this category 3 madness and chokes her shitey courts up with crap and takes one salmon a year for his table .

Whit is she actually going to do really ? Dish out a 50 quid fine or something ? Big deal ? The salmon would taste even better in my opinion ".