Sunday 3 July 2016

A further drop in levels and a clearing river will now suit more beats and we should see today how many fish have reached the upper river and a good day can be anticipated on the upstream areas at least as far down as Moccas

Two from the Nyth/Tyrcelyn 17 and 9 on fly  ??
Rectory 12 aand 10lbs Tim Hughes and 12.5 John lawton.
TyNewydd 10lbs to Geoff Doel
Glanwye. 40" fish to Chris Morley on fly.

Wonder if WUF will count the fish today that looks like giving a canoeist a tasty meal or two.
It was held up to anglers apparently having jumped into the canoe where it was presumably summarily dealt with in the way we cannot!!

See below from the BBC News from the WUF spin machine.
Can't argue with the headline but quite frankly the rest of it is open to question.
They have nothing to back up the claims and reason for the welcome increase in catches which have certainly been reflected elsewhere in the UK's rivers.
Some welcome news in there though!!

River Wye salmon catch hits 20-year high

Salmon jumping in riverImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES

Anglers fishing on the River Wye have recorded more than 500 spring catches - as salmon return in numbers not seen 20 years, conservationists have said.
The Wye and Usk Foundation said projects to restore habitats on the river and combat pollution were behind the recovery.
Work has included building fish passes and schemes to tackle acid rain.
The foundation said the river "bucks the trend" seen in others in England and Wales.
The announcement on catches came as the founder of the conservation group, Dr Stephen Marsh-Smith, stepped down as its executive director.

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