Friday 10 June 2016


12lb fish for David Oliver on fly from the Carrots

12lb fish from Redbrook to Paul Edwards on spinner.
TODAY  12lb fish from Little Run upper Bigswier to John Dawson on a Willie Gunn.
Two from Wyesham.10lb Phillip Evans and 8lbs Alan Curtis both on fly.
17lb fish from lower bridge pool .Aramston to Andrew Cuthbert. On fly

See below from WUF.  The first sentence says it all really.  Yes one wouldn't expect a Charity to try and influence people in how they might vote in the EU referendum but being WUF and in it's own self interest they try to do so.  Scaremongering like the rest of the establishment!
It's not the legislation they covet, rather the funding that goes with it, given back to us by the EU who know whats best for our rivers rather than we do apparently.  We shall see.

Personally I think the third paragraph down is a complete joke..  You cannot be serious.!!!

EU Referendum

9th June 2015

While you might expect a registered charity like WUF to keep a degree of neutrality on the impending referendum, it nonetheless remains important to spell out any issue that could impact adversely or perhaps favourably on our two rivers. We worry that their future state or even the environment will probably not feature too highly in many peoples decision

Both Wye and Usk are listed as "Special Areas of Conservation" (SAC) as part of the "Natura 2000 network of EU sites enshrined by the Habitats Directive. So it is very relevant to ask what has the EU done for our two special places and what might have happened or will happen if left solely to UK legislation?

To do this we need to explain the MO of the Habitats Directive, which essentially ensures that all adverse issues, for example abstraction and discharges, have no damaging impact and that no new scheme or project cause any harm. The 'Precautionary Principle' ensures that if there is any doubt, nothing should take place that damages the SAC without mitigation or compensation. There is strong and practical legislation to back this including infraction - ie fines if standards are not met.

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) is another powerful incentive to improve and keep our rivers, lakes, canals underground water supplies in better condition than we have so far.
'Red Tape' is a phrase often linked with with the EU. Some of the above legislation is often described as such as the Directives are often all that stand between proposed destructive development such as the Severn Barrage / Tidal Lagoons and a safe environment.
Our experience is rather different however. Practically all the barriers to progress on improving and managing the environment including the endless paper mountain comes from UK legislation and regulation.

The Wye has gone green thanks to excessive nutrients from farming and sewerage treatment works. Work to mitigate is driven by EU legislation

Twaite shad. Only found in Wye, Usk, Severn and Tywi. Protection is afforded by the Habitats Directive against any scheme likely to damage these and other migrating fish such as eels and salmon
At present, the rivers enjoy a high level of protection. Will that still be the case if we leave the EU? Our worry is that they won't and sadly for some, that may be a good reason to leave.
All the best from WUF

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