Monday 27 June 2016

River still slowly dropping but still refusing to clear in some areas though visibility has improved somewhat upstream.  A couple of inches on the river height in the upper catchment today with more rain forecast overnight tonight and on Wednesday

TODAY.  Sea liced 18lb fish from Caemawr this morning on fly to Roger Raynor
2 from Wyesham. Alan Shufflebotham and Barry Warwick  8 and 11 respectively.  F/C
Seems double standards abound everywhere.  the EA come down like a ton of bricks, rightly so, on the pollution fro Glastonbry Festival a couple of years ago handing out a big fine, see below.

Glastonbury Festival fined for killing fish
Following a prosecution led by the Environment Agency, a judge fined Glastonbury Festival organisers £31,000 for polluting 4km of the River Whitelake with 20,000 gallons of untreated sewage in 2014. The incident killed 42 fish.
We ask all anglers to please report any potential pollution to our incident hotline - 0800 80 70 60. Where we’re able to identify the polluter we’ll take firm action, including prosecution, to help stop the offence recurring.

On the other hand every day of the week the EA licence the Water Authorities to discharge sewage into our rivers on an almost daily basis.  Recent reports of sewage affecting the river below Monmouth from Redbrook drew the below response from Welsh Water..... It wasn't us GUV honest - even the EA say so and WUF make no comment on the situation. . A case of you scratch my back......

 A problem that can only be solved by Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water cleaning up the Redbrook plant.”

A spokesperson for Dwr Cymru Welsh Water said: “Welsh Water operates and maintains the Wastewater Treatment Works at Newlands, which discharges into the River Wye.
“Concerns have recently been reported to us about the water quality in the area. These reports were immediately fully investigated in conjunction with the environment agency.
“No issues have been found with the treatment works or any of the pumping stations serving the area. Water quality sampling and investigations are continuing in order to trace other sources of discharge.
“We have invited Wye Salmon Association to tour our treatment works in order to reassure them that it is performing in accordance with its environmental permit.”

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