Fished after work, yesterday. Beat had been fished hard during the day by two rods who had landed 1 and lost 2 (including a biggie). Water was near perfect at 4ft vis and 1ft 6", if I was being picky it was a tad too low for the upper half and tad to high for the lower, but all but 2 pools would fish. On went the Bann and it started!

No touches in Mill stream or Rectory, but in the Run (a rarely fished catch), a strong take mid river and subsequent large crash, had me wishing I hadn't leant my salmon net to a friend at the weekend! After a really good scrap, during which twice it had over 100m of line out, I was able grab the tail of a colouring fish in the low twenties and slip out the barbless hook.

Last summer I had explored the tail of this run and found a 4-5ft deep hole on the outside of a rock below the point we normally pull out that seemed a likely spot for a running fish. Put a long cast down to cover it and bingo! 8.5lb bar of silver.

Down in Glangwye, our bottom pool which is fabulous water but rock and roll fishing from our side, a strong pull as the fly swept off the far side lies was followed by 2 headshakes and off.

By now it was 8pm and the other 2 rods had left, so I went up to the Rock pool (which had been fished all day) and settled in for a lovely 2 hours fishing in perfect fly water. Up at the top (called the Island stream), saw a couple of fish run past (the only fish I saw all evening) and as the fly worked through the various currents, the line pulled tight and I lifted the rod into another The 9lb hen fish was also colouring.

Had a lovely fish down the really is some of the best fly water I have every fished anywhere, interrupted by a chub and 2 late shad. Down in the tail I fished the hot spot with care and expectation, but it was 30 yards further on in the boulder mess that the question was answered with the affirmative by a 14lb cock fish. Didn't cast was 10pm and this was my best fishing session on the Wye.

I have fished in many places on many expensive and prestigious beats, but for size of fish and splendour this river is exceptional.

I will post some pics when I locate my download cable.