Friday 24 June 2016

Still some colour on the bottom river and clearing slowly. Good conditions on upper and middle beats.  Unlike last season has anyone seen any smolts migrating ???

Another good day on the Wye with fish from many areas including another fin clipped fish this time
from Ingeston, the fifth of the season

3 today from Upper Bigswier, 2 to Nathan Jubb 6 and 12  15 pounder to David Reville.
!0lbs from Gromaine from the Bridge Pool to Tony Norman.

Report of a fish from the Red Lion: fish for Ken Powell (details to follow)

 5lbs sealiced grilse from Neck of Rectory for Garry Turner

 Lower Llanstephen and Llangoed: 10lb to Alex Davies from the Orchard pool on a fly

: Spreadeagle: 9lb fish to Paul Craven-Smith today.

 Caradoc: Jerry Lewis landed a 30" approx 11lbs fish on an FC

Two from the Spreadeagle to Ed Brown this morning Both on fly. 


 Whitney Court: 9lbs on Willie Gunn for Stuart Smith
 Spreadeagle, 15.5lbs for Ed Dawes and a 36" fish for Richard Wothers
 Glanwye: 2 for George Studley yesterday, 17 & 7lbs.

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