Saturday 4 June 2016

A new surge of water from the Elan dams is now making it's way downriver. At least a couple of inches is on it's way getting the minnows in a right old state of excitement.   Those on the lower river however may not experience this man made phenomenon.

With the state of Hay on Wye's sewage system one wonders what effect the huge influx of visitors for the Literary festival might have on a very low river,   If they fail to treat all the extra sewage what will they do with it -answers on a postcard please.

Report of a fish caught on Thursday at the Quarry Pool, Aramstone by Clive Hogg.  10lbs. spinning.
two from Wyesham Tim Howard and Joe Cobley both on F/C
Redbrook. Simon McLucas 3 fish all on fly of 12, 16 and 30lbs

Sunday 5 June, 2016


: Wyesham: (yesterday) Tim Howard 10lbs FC; and 10lbs fly for JC

Saturday 4 June, 2016


: Swan Meadow (Usk): 2 for Kim and Di Mace yesterday, with a third lost. Another of 7lb 12oz for Kim Mace today. All on fly


: Redbrook: Red letter day for Simon Maclucas with fish of 12lb, 16lb and 30lb. All on fly


: Aramstone: 10lb fish on the 2nd April for Clive Hogg on a flying C.

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