Tuesday 19 April 2016

Yesterday.  Fish from Caradoc for Martin Lydon.  13lbs -spinning.


No significant rain in the offing so conditions will remain with the river falling away.  Already quite low on the upper beats and very clear.  Still seems a dearth of fish above Hay on Wye given the recent conditions.  Ross area seems to be the place at the moment but lower river rods will be getting more optimistic for sure.    Couple of dead fish reported following catch and release apparently.

Couple of red letter days today for two anglers at least.  Decent run of smaller fish it seems which have reached Hereford but perhaps not too much further as the river drops away.

Ingeston beat reports five fish.   Two to Mike Pritchard and  three to Lyn Cobley(10-13-6lbs)

Carrots.    Dave Roberts good run of fish continues with three fish today from the same pool all taken on a Flying C.  Congratulations to him.
See pics below of the 8 and 19pounder -the later fish a personal best;

Another fish of 1olbs for Stan Turner at Aramstone on the F/C,
Seems the old saying of 10% of the anglers catch 90% of the fish is true with several anglers now with multiple catches..

Fish also from Whitney Court to Martin Lydon. Spinning.  14lbs

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