Thursday 21 April 2016

Another fish from yesterday.  That Stan Turner at Aramstone had yet another yesterday afternoon.  Again a fish of about 10lbs on a f/c.
Three more too for Martin  Lydon from Wyastone Leys.  best 18lbs.  I presume spinning as were his other fish (7)

Managed to get out myself for a few hours on a middle Wye beat yesterday.  I now love canoes !!!! After spending most of the time fishing the only decent fly run battling with over 45 swans who seems ravenous for the newly emerging streamer weed now starting to emerge on the bottom.   Not only that they kept coming and going, scrapping, cleaning themselves etc.   Pretty sure no fish were present, they would not have endured the disturbance.

TODAY. Another fish for John Daniels on the Ross AA waters  11lbs  Flying C
An approx 15lb fish from lower Ballinghams quarry pool to Mike Clapham  f/c
9lbs from Wyesham to Tim Risedale on -yes a f/c


20th April 2016

WUF Conference
Back again...... with corrections to the links for our May Conference. To book, please click on the links below. There are details on our website. The costs are:
  • £70 for all three days
  • £40 for just day 1
  • £24 for either day 2 0r 3
  • Vat is included in these prices
  • Full and updated details can be found on our Events page.
  • Booking can be made via Eventbrite
We apologies if the link didn't work when your tried earlier.

Other News
Frosts, wind, single dirty spates and bright sunshine together are powerful fish conservation tools. Nonetheless, there have been some encouraging reports from both Usk and Wye.
We will be announcing some interesting new additions to the Passport in the way of some more hidden lakes in mid and north Wales, ideal for those who enjoy both walking and fishing.
In fact, the Passport is now available in Welsh too.
For the work teams it's spraying Hogweed (mainly lower Usk) and, of course, fencing. Two years ago we bought a track laying fencing machine. We really have made good use of of it and can increase output but nearly half as much again.
Hoping to see you in May
All the best from WUF

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