Sunday 13 March 2016

Seems likely that the captor of yesterdays fish at Llangoed may well have been Stephen Marsh-Smith himself. If so congratulations but why so coy. What is the problem in naming the angler lucky enough to encounter a fish that size -a traditional Early Wye Springer.
It wasn't fin clipped was it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fish from Llangoed caught by Stephen Marsh Smith.  Weight unknown but a good lump. Not the prettiest of fish and has obviously been around a while and a bit ragged around the fins. Would like to have seen the head too!

A second Wye fish reported today caught by Andrew Cuthbert from the Quarry Pool at Aramstone.
A 15lb fish taken on a red and black flying C . weighed and photographed.

This on another forum by the same Stephen Marsh Smith re SNR replying to a forum member.

 "Still banging on about SNR, still blaming WUF for closing it (for the benefit of those on planet earth, NRW owned the hatcheries, licence the catch up and chose to close them). The programme showed SNR didn't work and you (plus the salmon of the Wye) have had a lucky escape. We are grateful for the knowledge."

Shows his true feelings re hatchery, SNR or otherwise though he ran one on behalf of the Wye Salmon Owners Association when it suited him -and lost the lot. He also supported SNR until NRW wanted to pull the plug then he changed his mind.  Whichever way the wind blows eh, wherever the funding will come from.

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