Wednesday 17 February 2016

]Some interesting stuff on Countryfile on Saturday where in recently flooded areas of the north is was seen to be a good idea to introduce large woody debris and log jams into the upland streams in an attempt to slow down the pace of the water and subsequent erosion and gravel wash out that it causes  The restoration of bogland was also considered a good idea but there are concerns in some quarters about large pools of stagnant water lying around festering in the sun ,becoming more acidic from the peat its lying in and then washed into the river in a spate. This can  lead to a serious acidic episode causing serious damage to invertibrates and possibly fry and parr.   Cue the Irfon earlier this summer.
 Of course most of our woody debris was and is still being cleared out by WUF who originally turned our upland streams into fast flowing drains but then again in light of current thinking no doubt grants will be available to undo the work already done.
Even Dai Watkins who once worked for WUFs habitat team commented thus;

Post by bigdai on 17 hours ago

"There was a very interesting piece on Countryfile last weekend about slowing down the upland streams and rivers feeding the main stem and damming up the drainage channels in the bogs creating water holding ponds. In my opinion this is something we should be doing on a large scale on the Towy."
If he could see it why not the 'management'?

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