Saturday 13 February 2016

Nothing very inspiring here; though renewable energy schemes need keeping an eye on.

February 2016 • Issue 4


In this edition:

1. Environment Bill
2. February Highlights – Our top news stories
3. Food for the Future Conference
4. Keep up to date on the latest news
5. Opportunities  
6. Consultations - Information about our open consultations

Environment Bill


Message from the Minister for Natural Resources

The Environment (Wales) Bill was passed last week by the National Assembly. This is a critical piece of legislation and represents the culmination of months of collaborative working, with much stimulating debate along the way. I’m proud of what we’ve achieved and I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to everyone who has been involved in the development of the Bill - your contributions have been vital.
Minister at Swansea Vale Defence Scheme

Focus on Parts 5, 6 and 7 and Stage 3 amendments

The Bill has now completed the formal Assembly scrutiny process and is expected to receive Royal Assent by the end of March. The Stage 3 plenary debate took place on 26 January. A total of 80 amendments were tabled.
Following last month’s feature on Part 3 and 4 of the Bill, this month we’re focusing on Parts 5 (Fisheries for Shellfish), 6 (Marine Licensing) and 7 (Flood and Coastal Erosion Committee & Land Drainage). Read more.
Environment Bill

February Highlights


New programme to support local renewable energy schemes launched

A new service to help social enterprises and SMEs across Wales to develop their own renewable energy schemes has been launched by Natural Resources Minister Carl Sargeant. The Welsh Government Local Energy Programme will support small and medium scale renewable energy projects. The Minister made the announcement on a visit to the Friends of Taff Bargoed project, which is a community owned 100kw hydro scheme. Read more
Taff bargoed hydro

European programmes to deliver millions for rural and coastal Wales

Deputy Minister for Farming and Food, Rebecca Evans will today announce several new support mechanisms for Welsh farmers, foresters, and fishers providing access to millions of pounds of European funding. The Minister will be at the Liberty Stadium in Swansea for the official start-of-term event of two European programmes, the Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 (WGRC) and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund 2014 – 2020 (EMFF). Read more

New legislation changes to Development Management

New legislation coming into force on 16 March will introduce a number of improvements to the development management system in Wales. In particular, the amends to the Development Management Procedure Wales Order 2012 will include requirements for a developer proposing a major development to undertake pre-application consultation with the local community and relevant local members, town and community councils, and statutory consultees.
These comments will need to be taken into consideration before a formal planning application is submitted. The main changes to the development management process are explained in a letter sent to Chief Planning Officers on 1 February 2016, which can be found on our website.

Planning authorities get new powers to manage impact of HMOs

New legislation that will give planning authorities the opportunity to manage the impact of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) in their local area has been made by Natural Resources Minister Carl Sargeant. The announcement was made during a visit to Swansea to hear how the new legislation will help planning authorities manage impact of HMOs in their area. Read more

New legislation for crustacean fisheries in Welsh waters

The Minister for Natural Resources has announced minimum size requirements for lobsters and crabs as one of several measures of new legislation which came into force on 1 February to help improve the quality and sustainability of Welsh stocks. Read more

Recycling your card

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner and St Dwynwen's Day that has recently passed, it is time to think about card and gift wrap recycling. Recycle for Wales have pulled together a table summarising what can be recycled in your local authority in terms of flowers, cards and Gift Wrap. Read more.
Valentines day

Four new faces at Design Commission for Wales

The Minister for Natural Resources has announced four new appointments to the board of directors of the Design Commission for Wales (DCFW). A new chair and three new board members will all take up their roles on 1 April this year. Established in 2002, the Design Commission for Wales promotes the importance of good design across sectors, collaborating with a range of other bodies to help champion better buildings and spaces, now and for future generations. Read more

Farmers’ use of renewable fertilisers to be revolutionised by new research

Farmers’ and growers’ confidence in digestate and compost has been given a welcome boost, as new ground-breaking research published by our delivery partner WRAP,  shows that smart use of these renewable fertilisers can increase yields and reduce bills with no negative impact on crop quality or safety. Read more.

Natura 2000 - the Natural Wealth of Wales

A major European-funded programme which sets out what is needed to enhance Wales’ most important wildlife sites has just been completed.  The LIFE Natura 2000 Programme for Wales has been a major 3 year project funded by EU LIFE+ scheme, strongly supported by Welsh Government, and led by Natural Resources Wales. Read more
Fenns, Whixall

Food for the Future Conference


Thursday 25 February 2016, Venue Cymru, Llandudno, North Wales

Food for the Future conference will highlight both the progress and the remaining challenges in food innovation, health and nutrition by bringing together businesses, policy makers, academics and health professionals to share their knowledge and experiences. The day hopes to inspire business, professionals and those with an interest in the area to discuss how Wales can be a leader in food, health and nutrition.
Fruit andveg
The event will include key presentations and discussions led by experts and professionals, such as leading consumer insight company, Kantar. Themes will include: Retailer and food-service healthier food initiatives, global public health policy, product reformulation, opportunities for business growth, the health of Wales, public sector procurement and leading edge scientific research.
Rebecca Evans, AM Deputy Minister for Farming and Food Wales will open the conference and North Wales Farmer and TV personality Gareth Wyn Jones, will be hosting. 
If you know of any companies or organisations that would be interested in attending, please contact

Keep up to date on the latest news


Are you a tweeter?

Whilst we summarise our monthly activity in this newsletter, if you are an avid tweeter keep up to date on breaking news via our Twitter channels.
Carl Sargeant, Minister for Natural Resouces - @WG_NatResMin
The latest news from Farming and Food - @WG_Farmingfood
The latest news from the Chief Veterinary Officer - @CVOWales
The latest news from Fisheries - @WG_Fisheries

Are you signed up to Gwlad?

You can keep up to date with the latest agriculture and countryside information from the Welsh Government through Gwlad. Sign up to the e-newsletter via the website.   



Building Regulations Advisory Committee for Wales - Member Opportunities

We are looking for members to join the Building Regulations Advisory Committee for Wales. Members will assist BRACW in its statutory role to provide advice to the Welsh Ministers (usually via the Planning Directorate’s officials) on the exercise of their powers to make building regulations covering Wales, and on other related matters. Members will be required to commit to a minimum of ten days per year. More information can be found on the recruitment pages of the website.



New Consultations

Bathing Water Review in Wales 2016

We are consulting on our proposal to designate Aberdyfi Rural Beach (referred to locally as ‘Cemetery Beach’) as a bathing water in Wales under the Bathing Water Directive (2006/7/EC) for the 2016 bathing season. Have your say by 26 February.

Code of practice for species control provisions in Wales

We are consulting on a draft code of practice for Wales on new species control provisions. As a result of changes brought in by the Infrastructure Act 2015 new species control provisions are now contained in the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. Have your say by 5 April 2016.

Changes to water abstraction licensing exemptions in England and Wales (New Authorisations)

We are consulting jointly with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), the Environment Agency (EA) and Natural Resources Wales (NRW) on our approach to bringing exempt water abstractors into the licensing system. Have your say by 8 April 2016.

Proposals relating to the Statement of Public Participation for the National Development Framework

The National Development Framework was introduced through the Planning (Wales) Act 2015 it will be a national land-use development plan and will set out the Welsh Government’s social, economic and environmental spatial planning objectives for the next 20 years. We are consulting on the first stage in the process of preparing the NDF, the preparation of the Statement of Public Participation. Have your say by 25 April 2016.

Ongoing Consultations

Proposed New Management Measures for the Scallop Fishery in Cardigan Bay - Have your say by 17 February 2016.

Promoting the conservation of White-fronted Geese in Wales - Have your say by 7 March 2016.

Proposed changes to Technical Advice Note 20: Planning and the Welsh Language - Have your say by 30 March 2016.


Our priorities: Doing things the right way for Wales

We’re planning for a better Wales by doing things the right way for future generations. We want to make sure the money we have as a Government is spent in a way that really makes a difference and gets the most benefit for Wales, now and in the future. Our priorities booklet sets out how we will be doing this.

For any queries relating to the Natural Resources Bulletin please email If you would like to receive this bulletin in Welsh please click here.

Natural Resources Bulletin

The Natural Resources Bulletin  - for the latest legislative and policy  updates on the Welsh Government’s commitment to our climate, energy, waste and water and land in ways that will protect our natural environment for future generations.

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