Saturday 12 December 2015

Looks like another half decent spate on the way down again this evening.

Saw the below on another forum from WUFs Deputy Director commenting on the fact a few more twenty pounders were caught at the Rectory beat, Boughrood. Whether or not you get springers in this area is often a matter of river flows and one has to ask how many were actually weighed and if they were with the weights so close how many were recaptures?   Twenty pounders were never 'rare' were they.
However main concern is he suggests this may be because of traditional 3sw spawning areas which were acidified and which presumably he now claims are not.  As usual we get a bald statement -no facts. Where I wonder does he suggest these recovered 3W spawning sites were. Masses of other 3sw spawning sites that were not affected.  As usual I suspect we will never know.  Feel free to inform us Simon!!

Before 2012, 1 in 93 was over 20lb, since 2012 1 in 12 has been over 20lbs and the average has gone up by almost 2lbs. A marked change. Previously 20's were rare, now the beat has caught at least 2 a season since 2012.

Is this a change to more favourable marine conditions, or could it be the recovery during the mid to late 00's of the traditional 3SW spawning areas that were acidified? 

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