Friday 4 September 2015

13lb Fish yesterday from Wyebank..
4lb fish from Glanwye,
5lbs fish to a Mr Jones from Wyesham
14lb fish from Builth Town water.

Saw the below comments in the recent WUF Newsletter from Adam Fisher. Well Adam and I have not always agreed in the past but on this issue he is absolutely right.
Just when will the implications of the rivers SSSi status be compromised by the severe navigation issues.
We get nothing from the EA/NRW Nothing from the Wye Salmon fishery Owners as usual, and nothing from WUF who seem to actually encourage canoeing  even on non navigable sections.
He is right too about Natural England who will move heaven and earth and threaten prosecution to anyone doing bankside work to improve angler access and yet turn a blind eye to a concrete canoe launching platform jutting out into the river.  We have so called Navigation Officers who seem blind or apathetic to the problems being caused and no one want's to grasp the nettle.Surely someone will have to sooner or later -won't they?

"Up to a few weeks ago I was under the impression that canoes weren't too bad this year. However, as we got into August it just went crazy and reports from anglers confirmed this. Personally, I have never seen so many. The issue for fishery manager is not just the disturbance to anglers as they head through swims. Even on the busiest of days, an increasing proportion show consideration for anglers' lines. It's more to do with seemingly total disregard for the angler (not to mention wildlife and private property) as boats moor up on gravel beaches or start playing around in areas right in front of anglers. It's also the picnicking and leaving of litter. You'd be shocked at some of the things that people leave behind. The worst thing, however, is the faeces up on the top of the riverbank, and the paper that goes with it. Stepping in dog mess is one thing...
Vikings and pirates demonstrating their boating skills the on the Wye
How do we explain this to anglers? Well, we can't. Fisheries have started to place signs up with wording such as; PRIVATE LAND - strictly no mooring or stopping. I've had 2 signs ripped down already this summer. When politely asked to leave the area most people think you're out to ruin their fun. Sadly, the good have to pay for the bad and although many are children enjoying our wonderful river environment, supervised by perfectly polite adults, I always have to explain the message that they are sending to the less considerate. When I get a call or text at 3am from someone on the hillside nearby telling me there's a fire and lights down on the riverbank, I have to head down and investigate - it's part of my job. On these occasions I am often confronted by a group of folk whose excuse is that they went past last year and saw people picnicking there and that there were fire ashes already there. So as you can see it is hard not to be frustrated when innocent folk, although just trying to enjoy the outdoors, are sending a message that has knock on effects that take others from their family at unsociable hours. The problem would be nothing like what it is if there weren't so many of course, but due to lack of regulation and ignorance from the governing bodies, the quantity of canoes is just outrageous. At what point will the impacts on this Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) be considered? It's a question that Natural England will never answer. Adding to the frustration is that when required infrastructure to allow better access for the angler, such as chopping a willow bow that's causing bank erosion, is prohibited without their consent. One of the hardest things to swallow is when people say "it's all our river and we're free to do what we want. In other countries they don't have these restrictions." What is not considered, however, is that when it comes to exploitation of these areas, we are not in Canada or Alaska. We are a very small, densely populated country and there is only one river Wye!

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