Saturday 5 September 2015

13lb fish from Letton yesterday to Simon Powell.
15lb fish from Boatside

Fish from the Red Lion today for Derrick Maund approx 20lbs hen fish on a Gledwood shrimp fly.
Another fish from Letton , this time a 14lb fish to Stuart Smith.
Nick Hope reports a thin coloured  4lb grilse from Caerwnon today -season total is 8 for the beat.

Three fish from Bigswier today  10lb to John Hickman, 5lb to Ken Powell and another fish to Tim bevan.

Seems there were more canoe antics on the Red Lion stretch too.  A young boy fell from a canoe  followed by his father who went in to help him. They ended up with no telephone contact with the hiring company from whom they received no instruction  at all apparently. They were shortly followed by amother  group from Hereford Canoe club  who landed on the beach where anglers were about to fish.  After the capture of an early fish most anglers gave up and went home. S scenario repeated up and down the river.

I hear too that Mike Timmis has resigned as Chairman of WSFOA and Patrick Darling has taken up the position again after a couple of years off.   Lets face it it was less than a distinguished tenure by the departing Chairman and we return to the status quo it seems.   Half a dozen of their members have resigned over the past year due in the main to how the Association was being run.
Its basically a conduit for directing funds to WUF without apparently it having a voice or policies of its own. Like the canoe situation -nothing seems to change for the better.

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