Tuesday 25 August 2015

Upper river has dropped and cleared extraordinarily quickly and could be fishable tomorrow as far downstream as Hay on Wye. Only problem is that heavy rain has been forecast for a time overnight and this could quickly have an effect and introduce more height and colour.  Best check the webcams on the Irfon and Ithon first thing.

Seems that WUF have woken up to the possible danger of the proposed tidal lagoons but if they have made any representaions to WAG or the |Company concerned who knows - we are never privy to that sort of information. Probably no funding for it anyway!!   See below from WUF Newsletter.;

Talk of Swansea reminds us of the proposed tidal lagoon which has already received the initial go ahead but awaits a marine licence from Natural Resources Wales (NRW). Most people know this might be the most expensive electricity ever to be produced if it ever gets off the drawing board and into production. Already there are issues about sourcing the huge amounts of stone required from Cornwall.
The planned structure lies between the Tywi and Wye, Usk and Severn. The first three of these rivers and the Severn estuary itself are EU Special Areas of Conservation for Twaite shad, a much rarer migrant than salmon which must also now be vulnerable. NRW must ensure that proper and exhaustive investigations are concluded that would ensure that there is no possible damage to either species, plus the European eel, sea and river lamprey.
Tidal Lagoon Power (TLP) also need a series of lagoons to make the projects wash their face and attention is turning to the Severn estuary....again. We will bring you more information

Fact is WSA have been making representations regarding this issue for some time as it does pose possible huge problems for our rivers.  See below a letter from the company chosen to carry out the work.  Their assurances seems less than comprehensive one has to say and they may well be 'confident of their assessment regarding migratory salmonids' from the evidence in the letter one has major cause for concern.. Kirst Williams AMhas also asked a question to WAG Minister Carl Sargeant regarding the issue.

Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay | National Infrastructure Planning

the letter is here



ON 19 AUGUST 2015


Kirsty Williams (Brecon and Radnorshire): Will the Minister outline the steps that the Welsh Government expects the developers of a tidal lagoon in Swansea Bay to carry out to mitigate any impact on fish stocks? (WAQ69085)

Carl Sargeant: I will write to you and a copy of the letter will be placed on the internet.

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