Wednesday 19 August 2015

8lb fish from Ross apparently -by someone.?

Latest from Angling Trust.  a few 'stocking fillers' but the pollution case gives cause for concern. EA always seem reluctant to prosecute polluters, especially farmers and the utilities.

Tuesday 18th August 2015

All the latest fishing news from the Angling Trust and Fish Legal

This edition we bring you news of our successful bid for a landmark fisheries contract with the Environment Agency, a new poster to help get the news out on bass restrictions, the spread of killer shrimp and two new competitions as well as Fish Legal's latest updates...

Angling Trust and Fish Legal - Main News

Environment Agency Awards
Fisheries Contract to Angling Trust

The Environment Agency has awarded a landmark fisheries contract to the Angling Trust. This announcement follows a rigorous competitive process and is part of the continued drive towards greater partnership working leading to thriving fisheries and angling throughout England. The contract, which will run for up to 4 years and is currently worth £1 million a year, has three priorities: to increase participation, tackle illegal angling and improve angling facilities.
> Read more

New Size Limit for Bass
Please Download and Display This Poster

There are new restrictions on the size of bass that may be legally kept by anglers and commercial fisherman.
Defra has asked the Angling Trust to help promote these restrictions to the sea angling community.
We are asking all sea anglers, clubs, tackle shops and charter skippers to read, forward, print and display a poster about the restrictions, which can be downloaded from our website.
> Read more

Game Fair Success as Angling Trust & Fish Legal Stand Nets Big Crowds and New Members

We had a great weekend on the Angling Trust & Fish Legal stand at the CLA Game Fair at Harewood House in Yorkshire with staff from the Angling Trust Participation, England Ladies Fly Fishing, Environmental Campaigns and Membership Teams joining forces with GAIA and Get Hooked on Fishing to sign-up nearly 100 new members. Over 600 junior and novice anglers had a go at fishing on our stand at the centre of the Fishing Village.
Angling artist ‘Dusto’ drew the crowds with his amazing spray paintings of salmon and bass and there were lessons by top instructors for novice fly casters, drop shot and lure demos from Gary and Sam Edmonds as well as the Get Hooked on Fishing Funfair.

Thanks to everyone who visited our stand.

Get Registered for FishingInfo

If you haven't already registered for a free account on do it now - it only takes a minute and means your saved favourite fishing places will always be available to you no matter which device you are using or where you are. Just click the "Log Into FishingInfo" button at the top of

Have You Donated to Help Save Our Salmon?

The Angling Trust won the reader's vote in the July issue of Trout & Salmon magazine for a project that aims to return the salmon to abundance by urging UK, Welsh and Scottish governments to act to save wild salmon.

Find out more and donate via

Killer Shrimp Found at Pitsford

After several years of containing the "Killer Shrimp" in a small number of areas by following the Bio-Security protocol of Check Clean Dry, it is bad news for anglers that they have now been found at Pitsford Reservoir. These shrimps are native to the Danube estuary and the Black Sea but have spread through a canal opened between the Danube and the Rhine to Holland and neighbouring countries. The shrimp devours native invertebrates, fish eggs and young fish. We encourage all anglers to follow the protocols of “Check, Clean Dry” to stop the spread of these and other aquatic invasive non-native species.
> Read more

Enforcement Mission to Lithuania

"To really deal decisively with a problem, first you have to understand it. Really understand it. In England we have an issue with some migrant anglers from eastern Europe not abiding by our conservation-based angling law and rules..."
Read more in Angling Trust National Enforcement Manager, Dilip Sarkar's latest blog which has a report on the latest enforcement fact-finding mission, this time to Lithuania.
> Read "Lines On The Water" - our Freshwater Team Blog

Pictured, left:
Tomas Barkaukas
Lithuanian Regional Chief of Nature Protection

Fish Legal News
You can read more Fish Legal news HERE

Fish Legal Welcomes New Legal Team Members

Fish Legal is pleased to welcome two new members of staff.

Leanne Murphy joins us as a new legal secretary and first point of contact for members.

Geoff Hardy has also joined the legal team as a solicitor and will primarily be assisting with advice enquiries.

Members requiring legal advice can contact the team at or by phoning 01568 620447.

Environment Agency Pollution Summary - 2014

July saw the Environment Agency’s 2014 summary of pollution incidents published. They report a 11% decrease in serious pollution incidents overall in 2014 and in particular a substantial decrease in incidents caused by sewage treatment works. However, whilst water companies may be cleaning up their act, the report shows a 7% increase in serious pollution incidents affecting water caused by the farming industry, and in particular a sharp 100% rise in incidents caused by arable farming.
The report makes interesting reading and a full copy can be viewed HERE.

Concern Over “Tsunami Of Slurry” Case

Fish Legal is concerned over the EA’s decision not to prosecute a polluter following a serious slurry pollution. Instead the polluter was allowed to make a donation to charity to avoid criminal proceedings and potentially higher fines, despite the Regulator themselves describing the pollution as one of the worst in years.
These penalties (Enforcement Undertakings) may be more commonly used in future instead of prosecution. Consultation with pollution victims before taking these decisions is a vital step in the process but was not done in this case.
Fish Legal is monitoring the increasing use of Enforcement Undertakings amidst concerns they are a soft option for offenders.
> Read more

General News and Classifieds
Events and articles of interest from the Angling Trust and the world of fishing

Fish-Eating Bird Management Trial:
Questionnaire for Licence Holders & Fishery Owners

We've set up a brief questionnaire to get feedback about the one-year trial of our Fishery Management Advisors (FMAs) and area-based licences (ABLs), aimed at improving the management of conflicts between fisheries and fish-eating birds, principally cormorants. Please only complete this questionnaire if you have had direct contact with an FMA or are an ABL or individual licence holder.
> Go to the questionnaire

Fantastic Family Fishing at Bitterwell Lake

Over 150 people were introduced to fishing and an estimated 500 visitors attended the Family Fishing Funday at Bitterwell Lakes on Sunday 16th August to have a go at coarse, game and sea angling.
> Find Your Nearest Family Fishing Days and Dates HERE - why not take the whole family and get them hooked on fishing too!

Sam Harris Awarded MBE for Services to Sea Angling

In great news for angling, popular BBC Radio Newcastle presenter Sam Harris has been awarded the Honour of the MBE for "Services to Sea Angling" and in recognition for the work he has done for various charities over the last 50 years.
> Read more

MMO Seeks Volunteer Applicants for IFCAs

The MMO is looking to recruit members for the North Western, North Eastern and Northumberland Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities (IFCA). Each IFCA needs members who will take a balanced approach to caring for the seas, assessing the priority and importance of all users and stakeholders. This is an opportunity for anyone who wants to improve the quality of the inshore areas of northern England.
> Read more and apply

Invitation to Participate in the Community Water Survey

The Drought Risk and You (DRY) Project is investigating the threat that droughts and water shortage pose to the environment, agriculture, infrastructure, society and culture of the UK. DRY are interested in hearing from all sectors of the community in the UK about household water use and water-saving behaviour and have set up a survey to find out more.
> Please complete the survey

National Fishing Month
Don't Forget to Plan a Day's Fishing Before
31st August 2015

National Fishing Month aims to encourage everyone to have a go at fishing. So please take this opportunity to bring a non-angling friend or family member to have a go at fishing. Click HERE to find an event near you and make sure you do not miss out!
> Read more

Act Now To Help Save Our Waters

Blueprint for Water is a coalition of 16 organisations representing over 6 million people, working to develop solutions to the water issues facing England.
Find out how you can help protect and restore the wildlife of our waterways and learn more about the other goals of Blueprint for Water...
> Read more

Non-Native Salmon Found in NE Rivers!

The Environment Agency is urging anglers to get in touch with information after reports a non-native salmon species was spotted in the North East. EA Officers received information that unusual fish had been caught - one by an angler on the River Tyne near Wylam and another two by licensed netsmen the coast of South Shields. The fish are Pink Salmon – Oncorhynchus gorbuscha – a native of the North Pacific basin and its surrounding rivers. Please report any unusual salmon catches or sightings to the environmental monitoring team at Northumberland, Durham and Tees via 0800 807060.

Angling Trust Ambassador Des Taylor is Simply Fishing

Simply Fishing is an an all-new, monthly, digital magazine that puts you at the heart of Angling Trust Ambassador, Des Taylor's angling adventures.
Each month for just £2.99 you get a 55min HD video PLUS a 50 page e-mag.
It's a BARGAIN! Soak up the atmosphere in stunning HD film edited to the highest standards and learn all of Des' tactics as he searches the UK for different species.
> Find out more

Competition News
Read all the latest Angling Trust Competition news HERE

Angling Trust Launches Two New Junior Competitions

The Angling Trust is delighted to let our members know that we have launched two new junior competitions in game and coarse angling. The new competitions are supported by tackle giants Preston Innovations and Greys Fishing and will begin in September 2015. More info about each of the competitions and how to enter is available on the Angling Trust website
> Read more

Plans Announced For A Bigger TideFest Event For ‘London’s River’

Wildlife organisations, river and environmental groups and community associations have announced plans for a second, bigger TideFest to be held on the Tidal Thames in London on September 20th.
> Read more

England Boat Angling Squad Seeks New Blood

Are you a knowledgeable angler with club or open competition experience? Would you consider that you have the ability to further develop and represent Team England at International level? If so, apply to join the England boat squad and find out! Team England is seeking a number of new squad members to supplement the group from which the two International teams will be selected. Please note that squad members must be members of the Angling Trust. Email for an application form before the closing date - end of August 2015.

Member Offers
Find more membership benefits at

Looking For Ideas For Your Next Fishing Holiday?

Check out the new Forest Holidays Top Spots Blog and don’t forget to use your member discount code when you book. Just enter code ANGLING10 in the promotional code box to get 10% off your holiday.

Dates for your diary...

Fill Your Diary With Family Fishing Fun Days
FREE activities, fishing, coaching and use of tackle

Do you fancy a day out for the family with lots of different fun activities? Would you like to introduce a member of your family or a friend to fishing? Are you a beginner, an existing angler or returner?

Then come along to a FREE Family Fishing Fun Day. Fishing tackle and instruction from our licensed coaches is provided. Plus there are activities for non-anglers and family members.

A full list of Family Fishing Fun Days can be found HERE.

Carp Society Winter Show
Saturday 28 & Sunday 29 November 2015

Get it in your diary NOW! The Carp Society Winter Show at Sandown Park (KT10 9AJ) will have all your favourites including celebrities, book signings, the latest products, loads of bargains, FREE forums and FREE parking. There's a great food hall and everything you need for a brilliant day out.
Follow the event on Facebook.

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