Tuesday 18 August 2015

My personal hero of the week, possibly the year.
The guy pictured below makes a stand for all of us by wading out and coarse fishing from his pitch literally yards from the Hay on Wye canoe launching pad.    Seemingly oblivious of the fact he could be run down any minute as canoes launching would have to go out to the middle of the river in shallow water full of streamer weed to pass him as they made off downstream and I doubt some would be able to do that. (The launch/landing pad is on the left of the picture behind the bush)
The car park from where I took the picture was a hive of activity and noise, sound of traffic from the bridge upstream and a steady stream of tourists.

However he seemed oblivious to all the mayhem and while I watched calmly caught three small fish from a swim barely 2' deep amongst the weed in dead low water and bright sunshine.
The only downside was he was using maggots as bait and as far as I am aware the byelaw restricting maggots until end of September is still in force -although you can apply for an exemption.
I would have doffed my cap had I been wearing one and unfortunately didn't have the time to find out who he was.   A true angler!!!!

New ASF Logo

Atlantic Salmon Federation News
  Friday, Aug. 14, 2015
ASF RIVERNOTES Reaches 100th Blog Post - With Hopeful News
Grilse, the salmon that spent one winter at sea, appear to be arriving back in our rivers in good health and improved numbers. ASF Rivernotes is bringing you the river reports in near-real time. Check it out.

ASF Scientist Steve Sutton Will Further Atlantic Salmon Outreach and Engagement
Dr. Steve Sutton, originally from Newfoundland, is focused not only on salmon, but on the human side of encouraging conservation and restoration efforts. Read more.

Kickstarter Page for LOST AT SEA! Project
We are spreading the word that the Lost at Sea! Project is seeking support to complete the project. For more on the project, and a link to the page, go to:

Margaree Salmon Museum Turns 50
Listen to a very special radio interview with Frances Hart on the Margaree Salmon Museum and some of its more interesting visitors.

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