Friday 21 August 2015

It appears that the salmon 8lb salmon reported from Ross on Wye on Wednesday was caught accidentally by a barbel fisherman.

It is reported in WUFs salmon blog.
Surely this is not correct and should not be listed in the salmon returns.
It was caught illegally if the angler did not have an EA game fishing licence and possibly on an illegal bait too.
If it's recorded why don't we all go barbel fishing with worm bait to keep the numbers up.  If we have an EA licence and put the fish back then it would not be an offence as it would be impossible to show we were fishing specifically for one species or another. Particularly as there is no longer an effective bailiff force who might observe you in the process.

Still -any port in a storm. It is a numbers game after all.!!

A little more rain in the hills on the western side of the catchment but only a small rise there so far.

LATEST.   More rasin in the Irfon catchment and a decent spate coming down and looks likely to raise levels a coup[le of feet on the main river by tomorrow perhaps.

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