Sunday 26 April 2015

Report of another Ingeston Fish last Friday when Mike Pritchard caught his sixth salmon of the season. A fish of 12lbs - spinning.  I long time regular on the beat it shows the value of knowing your water and how to fish it of course with a regular gillie resident    The modern day substitute, a so called guide is not in the same ball park. As for cost well forget it.

Same beat today another fish caught by John Kenyon on a 1" pearly Waddington and estimated at a good 25lbs.  Neither of the above fish were sea liced.

Also a 10lb fish yesterday for Wayne Bateman on a flying C.

Feature at the moment seems that fish are still not lingering in tghe lower beats below Ross with nothing much being seen there but fish are getting to beats above Ross.
Good shoals of smolts are being seen and have been for some days, more especially in the lower beats.  Perhaps the mild winter has been a help and of course low water is making them drop out a little slower and making them more obvious.  A little good news for once though and one wonders what percentage will come back as grilse, 2sw or 3sw springers.  Only time will tell.

See below the latest weir at Llan-pica, in low water. Said to be an obstacle to ascending fish.  Hardly an Icelandic or Norwegian or even a Scottish maelstrom is it. Are they seriously suggesting that given a reasonable spate a salmon would not take that it its stride.  Still if there is funding for it, and it seems there is, why not take advantage even if it does little good..

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