Saturday 25 April 2015

Last night predicted rain failed to materialise to any extent and the upper river in particular is on its bones, as low almost as a summer drought.  Anyone contemplating salmon fishing above Glasbury must be an eternal optimist and below Glasbury through to Hereford is also pretty much a waste of time.

Nearly a 100 fish off the TAY this WEEK.

We now have the scenario that any fresh fish entering the river will be concentrated mainly below Ross with the odd one getting perhaps up to Hereford, so obviously anglers will be concentrating on this area.   This should mean that the angler/fish ratio is much improved and in theory we should be seeing more fish caught.  The problem is that at the moment they don't seem to be there is any numbers. Under these conditions beats below Monmouth should be scoring heavily.  Instead we are still on one or two fish a day for the whole of the Wye unless Bigswier have some unreported fish?

Latest.  10lb fish reported from Seven Sisters. The Anonymous syndicate member again. No further details?

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