Tuesday 21 April 2015

 Holme Lacy 3: 16 1/2 lb hen fish on a Flying C to Colin Richardson yesterday from The Point.

 Upper Bigsweir, 10lb cock fish from Little Run to Dave Rickards on a single hook spinner with his second cast of the day.

Another fish for Dave Roberts from the Carrots, this time 10lbs. Spinning again.

See below the latest from WUF. Only states the obvious really.
I do wonder why they mention the rod catch in March and April 2002 which
was flooded out most of the time- as 2 compared to 100 this year.
They could equally have said;

2013  - 200
2012  - 179
2006  - 127.
Does not have the same ring about it somehow though does it.  Neither does the rod catch when they started at 1,760 or so    - last year 590 -or so.

WUF Update

20th April 2015

We've had two weeks of cold easterly winds, night time frosts but the sun is still shining! The rivers are dropping slowly and in the true spirit of anglers always wanting something better, there are not many who wouldn't wish for warmer and, if you fish upper beats, wetter conditions. That could come on Friday.
The effect on fishing has been to make trouting tricky at times. The sharp winds depress hatches and can blow lines well off course. However, there have been some very respectable sized wild browns taken: 3 1/2lb from Doldowlod on the upper Wye, 2 3/4lb from the upper Usk (please see picture above). Encouragingly, the smaller streams are starting to fish, notably the Edw, but the main river beats of both Usk and Wye are fishing well.
It's been a testing week for salmon fishers. Beats below Hereford have taken a few, with those below Monmouth starting to feature more in the catch reports. Sizes now include a greater proportion of 2 sea winter fish (typically those in the 9 -11lbs class).
A number have been sealiced and an encouraging number taken on fly. 100 fish have been landed from the Wye this year; just three was the score for March and April in 2002! From the Usk we have heard of just one fish, taken below Usk itself.
There have been some nice carp landed from some of the hidden lakes and a few sea trout to 8lbs taken from Abercothi....and that's the news of catches.
The 2015 Passport should now be with you and we hope you like the new format. Please email us with your postal address if you haven't had one.
A 2 3/4 lbs wild brown from the Trallong and Abercamlais beat on the Usk.
Wyesham: 10lbs for day ticket fisher, Richard Kingston on fly from the Cottage Pool
There are still a few places left on the Lugg and Arrow Tenkara day, on 5th July at the Riverside Inn, Aymestrey. Anyone interested in learning this traditional, yet increasingly popular fishing style can see here for more details.
All the best from WUF and please keep those returns coming.

Details of our Projects can be found here.
Click here for anglers' reports and here for monthly fishing reports.
For details of WUF's Consultations, Click here.
EA & NRW Emergency Hotline: 0800 80 70 60    Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water Emergency Sewage Line: 0800 085 3968
Rainfall at Llanstephan 2015 to date: 8" (2014: 54" 2013: 39", 2012: 47", 2011: 29")
Bookings and availability Tel: 01874 712 074
This email was sent by The Wye & Usk Foundation.
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