Thursday 30 April 2015

A fish from Cadora Backs yesterday for Maurice Hudson on fly. 14lbs.

Also a small 7/8lb salmon reported from Whitney  beat 3  also on fly to Cledwyn Davies.

A second fish from Cadora Backs  11lbs to Stephen Orledge. Flying C
Wyesham. A fish of 10lbs for Tim Risedale
Seven reported from Bigswier in the last two weeks 7 to 15lbs.-no further details

See below.
You could always go catching kelts on the Miramichi - seems it's the normal thing to do?

New ASF Logo

Atlantic Salmon Federation News
  Thursday, Apr. 30, 2015
ASF RIVERNOTES Reports on the Miramichi and Elsewhere
The Upsalquitch holds a river celebration, and there are kelts in the Miramichi. Read more.

ASF Research Staff Off to the Rivers
With water levels dropping and ice free areas increasing, ASF researchers are starting the process of deploying equipment and undertaking research

ASF Honours Michael Meighen with Top Salmon Conservation Award
Passionate about Atlantic salmon, Michael Meighen has made a significant contribution to conserving, restoring and protecting the species.

Alewives Dodge Dam Closing on St. Croix River
Maine Lawmakers have rejected a bill to bar alewives from most of the St. Croix River. Read more.

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