Wednesday 11 March 2015

Report of a fish from Garnons, caught yesterday I believe.  A fine fish of 25 lb from the Saltbox Pool on a Devon minnow to Ricky Reno. The best of the season so far. Congratulations to him.

Regarding the speculation re the 7lb fin clipped fish it seems we will never know any more about it..  There was no photograph taken of the fish and that's basically the end of the matter  For my own part the probability is that it was a well mended kelt but at the end of the day from the SNR point of view it doesn't really matter.

Well we had a 'significant pull' reported earlier in the season . No we have had a 'long slow pull' reported too.  What next I wonder?

River conditions remain excellent.Only light rain reported for today.

LATEST.   Just the one reported so far today. Another for Eddy Jefferson from Luggs Mouth  15lbs  spinner.

A rather better picture of the black swan.
Someone said that from the previous previous picture it could have been a black bin liner.Yea right!!!!

Seems the internet police, or at least my troll Dave Watkins, known as 'Commando' on the FFF agrees that by publishing pictures of fish caught by Wye anglers I am 'gloryifying' fish being mishandled by the fact they are lying on the grass, across a net, or being held up for a photograph.
I am doing no such thing Mr Watkins. I didn't take the photo's, I was not there when they were taken and had I been and the fish handled properly I would not have had a problem.  Anglers have always been happy to have photo's of their fish,,especially if its a first, an especially big one or whatever.
Apart from that other anglers like to see these pictures too.  Please keep sending them in -|I will continue to publish them. Might get A pic of Dave with his first one day perhaps!
 In today's T & S there is a photo of a just caught salmon being held up just by the tail for a photo.  Wouldn't approve of that but would print it anyway if only to show what not to do.

Then we then get a post by someone called Charlie H breathtaking only by it's sheer pomposity.
Your happy to stick a hook in it, cause it minutes of stress and risk its death from bleeding yet 30 seconds out of water for a photo is a crime. Get over yourself Charlie!!!!!

This is what he said"

I think I'm right in saying that at the beginning of last season (or it might have been 2013) Fishdee issued some clear guidelines for photos submitted for publication on their site. As I recall, they said that all pictures should either show the fish in the water, or lifted out briefly and held just a short distance above the water. They very much discouraged pictures showing fish lying on the bank.

In spite of efforts to educate, there is still a good deal of ignorance of best handling practice, and I think there is certainly a role for responsible organisations to promote it wherever possible. Of course I accept that if you find yourself on a bank that drops steeply into deep water, such that it is impossible to get into the water, it may occasionally be necessary to lift the fish up onto the bank to unhook it. But very often there is no need to take the fish out of the water at all - particularly if a net is used. If you can stand in the water, the fish can be held in the net or by its tail without ever needing to expose its gills to the air.

So I think there is an argument for following the Dee's lead in not showing bad handling. Unfortunately a lot of people do still think that lifting a fish up onto the bank is acceptable as normal practice, and pictures of others doing so can only serve to reinforce that fallacy."

Some sad people around these days!!

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