Wednesday 4 March 2015

Nothing reported so far today as at 8.00pm.  Still time yet though.Conditions continue to improve.

Those of you unhappy with NRW, and who isn't might like to have their say with WAG as to how they are doing.

Please see below and don't miss the opportunity.

Default Natural Resources Wales - Annual Scrutiny 2015

This year the Environment and Sustainability Committee of the National Assembly for Wales has decided to seek the views of stakeholders and the public to help inform the annual scrutiny session of Natural Resources Wales. 

Given the events of the last 12 months (or more!) it seems an opportunity to at the very least let the National Assembly know how we feel about the way NRW are 'managing' (I use the word advisedly) the waters of Wales.

Please use the link below to access the website:

Consultation | National Assembly for Wales  ( n.b   Might need to Google it)

Responses must be submitted by 10 April 2015.     

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