Thursday 19 March 2015

Just one fish yesterday apparently.  12lb from Tyrcelyns Boat pool by Alfred Pope.

LATEST. Another fish today from the Ross water. 20 1/2lbs on a Devon Minnow.

Re WUFs report yesterday and fishing available on the Alyn at £20. = £2.00 booking fee  perd ay.

Those of you who might perhaps want to fish it on a regular basis please see below.  Doesn't make the day ticket look particularly good value with a yearly fee of only £50.00

Membership and Fees

We welcome new members every year, there is no joining fee and people can apply for membership at any point during the season. In addition to providing nearly two and a half miles of extremely good fishing members are able to access day to day information on weather conditions, water levels etc via this the Club's web site.
The Club aims to provide the best possible enjoyment for all its members. A 'River Walk' is held in May every year, that offers general information on what the fish feed on, the techniques used to catch them and the type of location they tend to lie in.
New members may have fished only on still waters before and now want to try river fishing , or maybe they have never fished with a fly rod and line. As part of the Club's commitment we are pleased to offer a special 'taster session'. This is a one to one session that allows you to fish the river with an experienced member of the Club. Any section along the whole river can be fished, tackle and techniques can be discussed and general support provided while you fish. If you wish to take up this offer please let us know via the 'E-mail Us' page.
The Club has a limit on the total number of members we can have. This is due to our insurance arrangements and to control Fishing pressure on the river. New members join the Club every season, for as with all organisations there is always a turnover. The fees this season are the same as last year.

Prices for the 2015 Season:

Adult Membership----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: £50.00
Junior Membership under 16----------------------------------------------------------------------------: £5.00
Family Membership (Spouse/Son/Daughter living at the same address as a Full Member)--------: £5.00

To enquire about club membership CLICK here if you have an e-mail client set up on your computer. Otherwise please e-mail our Membership Secretary -

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