Sunday 18 January 2015

                                                    PETITION UPDATE.

Just to make you, our supporters aware that a group of representatives from WSA met with NRW in Cardiff on Thursday 15th. The ensuing discussions involved our analysis of the very serious mismatch between their scientific evidence and the decision to cease stocking. We further presented the NRW representatives with an outline of our proposals for reviving Wye salmon fisheries. We would like to thank you all for your support, it was extremely valuable in these discussions to be able to express the strength of that support as demonstrated in your response to our petition. We now await NRW responses before we decide on a further plan of action. We will continue to inform you and update you on these activities.

Please keep signing the petition.

I was at the above meeting and think the meeting went as well as could be expected -I await the response with some trepidation however.

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