Friday 30 January 2015

Friday 30th January 2015

All the latest fishing news from the Angling Trust and Fish Legal

In This Bumper Edition:
A significant win in Angling's fight to protect bass, news on fracking, yet more progress with our work on angling enforcement, cash awards for clubs and fisheries and an update on Fish Legal's work. There's loads of news this time so read on...

You can read more sea angling news in our latest Sea-Update HERE.

Don't miss the book competition at the bottom.

Angling Trust and Fish Legal Top News

Anglers Celebrate As EU Bans Trawling For Bass

Trawling for bass during the spawning period has been banned in a historic set of emergency measures aimed at averting a total collapse of Europe’s bass stocks.
> Read more

Anglers Welcome Fracking Climbdown

The Angling Trust has given a warm welcome to this week's climbdown by the Government which means that fracking will no longer be permitted in National Parks or in water sensitive areas covered by SSSI's or other special protections.
> Read more

Angling Trust Launches a New Fund for Fishery Improvements

The Angling Trust has launched a new £65,000 ‘Fishery Improvement Fund’ which will make awards of up to £5,000 for buying equipment, to make habitat improvements or for projects that get people fishing and support the aims of the National Angling Strategy ‘Fishing for Life’. The funding comes from the Environment Agency from some of the proceeds of rod licence sales.
> Read more

Angling Trust Meets Daniel Kawczynski MP - Prime Minister’s Envoy on Polish & Eastern European Diaspora in the UK

On 19 January 2015, key Angling Trust enforcement staff met with Daniel Kawczynski at Westminster - the MP for Shrewsbury and Atcham in the Severn Valley, and the Prime Minister's Envoy on Polish and Eastern European Diaspora in the UK, Mr Kawczynski is also Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Poland.
> Read more

Angling Trust on BBC Winterwatch

Did you see our Head of Freshwater Campaigns Manager Mark Owen on BBC Winterwatch last week? He was talking with Chris Packham about the fight against the highly invasive signal crayfish and how we can all help to stop their spread as well as that of other aquatic invasives by following the #CheckCleanDry routine after each fishing trip. The piece starts at about the 28:40 mark. Well worth watching for the staggering facts about this highly problematic species.
> Watch on BBC iPlayer

Crucian Project Video Goes Live

The National Crucian Carp Project has this week launched a new information video aimed at encouraging angling and fishery interests to embrace crucian conservation and draw up plans for more crucian waters in their areas. The video is also part of a new episode of the Fishing Britain series produced by the YouTube channel and features the Angling Trust's Martin Salter as a guest presenter.
> Watch on YouTube

Fish Legal News
You can read more Fish Legal news HERE

Fish Legal Seeks Compensation for Northern Ireland Sea Trout 'Index River'

Fish Legal is sending a Letter Before Action demanding compensation from Northern Ireland Water following the latest in a long-running series of raw sewage spills into the River Shimna, a Northern Ireland sea trout 'index river', from a malfunctioning 'combined storm outfall' (CSO) in Newcastle, Co Down. In part thanks to the Shimna Angling Club's vigilance - it has been club members who have usually spotted the spills and reported them to the NI Environment Agency - plus Fish Legal's continued pressure (NIW settled a previous claim in 2007), infrastructure improvements have now been made and no further spills have apparently occurred since 2012.

Principle of Time Limited Planning Permissions for Fish Farms Affirmed by Scottish Government

The fish farming industry has received a blow after the principle of time-limited planning permissions for marine salmon farms was affirmed by the Scottish Government.
> Read more

Competition News
Read all the latest Angling Trust Competition news HERE

RiverFest 2015:
The UK's Number One River Competition Just Got Bigger!

Six new venues, twelve more places in the final, a bigger prize pot and a new teams of three competition are the big changes to this year's RiverFest competition.
The Angling Trust has been working closely with competition creator Dave Harrell to grow the popular event still further, starting with four more qualifying venues...
> Read more and view the full list of qualifier venues

Fish ‘O’ Mania XXII Online Registration

Register at for the chance to win £30k in the Fish ‘O’ Mania XXII grand final.

General News and Classifieds
Events and articles of interest from the Angling Trust and the world of fishing.

Jeremy Wade Flies the Flag for
Angling Trust on ITV's River Monsters

It was great to see Angling Trust Ambasador Jeremy Wade, putting to good use one of the stickers that we post to all our members, on his rod tube in Episode 6 of the latest series of ITV's River Monsters. We'll be sending him a replacement sticker!
Jeremy says "I'm supporting the Angling Trust because it's only interest groups that can put forward a united and coherent message who stand any chance of making any impact." - please forward this email to a friend and encourage them to join the Angling Trust too.

Invasive Non-Native Species Week

It's "Invasives Week" on social media from Monday 2nd-Friday 6th Feb. Defra will be using #CheckCleanDry (CCD) on Twitter throughout the week to encourage anglers and other water users to Check, Clean, Dry their equipment and read-up on biosecurity awareness then on Friday 6 Feb there will be a Twitter Q&A for you to send in questions on invasive species. Check out the CCD stand at the British Fly Fair next weekend too - dates below.
> Read more about Check, Clean Dry

Angling Trust Re-issues Ice Advice PDF

With temperatures set to plummet yet again this week and many fisheries already iced-over, the Angling Trust, has re-issued advice to managers of still water fisheries about how to protect their fish from the weather conditions.
> Read more

Angling Trust Encourages Anglers To
Back Boat Watch Scheme

Working in partnership with Malvern Hills District Council, Malvern Police have created a 'Boat Watch' scheme to be run alongside Neighbourhood Watch to promote security and safety on the inland waterways. The aim is to offer advice and the latest security devices to reduce the likelihood of users of the inland waterways becoming victims of crime.
> Read more

Coaching Continued Professional Development Days

Last weekend at our East Midlands Coaching Continued Professional Development Day (CPD) 20 licenced Angling coaches participated in a fantastic session which included the new ‘Coaching Children & Young People’ coaching specialism and an insight into secondary & primary schools from coach Ian Wilks.
Contact your local Angling Trust Regional Officer to locate a CPD session near you:

Opportunities For You to Influence the Management of Inshore Fisheries

The Angling Trust is encouraging its members, and all other sea anglers in England, to apply for positions on the committees of the 10 Inshore Fishery & Conservation Authorities (IFCAs) which are responsible for the management and conservation of inshore fisheries resources out to six miles from the coast.
Applications close on Monday February 2nd.
> Read more

Environment Groups Celebrate Judges’ Ruling To Allow Thames Tideway Tunnel To Proceed

More good news for the Thames as the High Court rejects legal challenges to the long awaited 'Super Sewer' which will clean up pollution along the tidal river in London.
> Read more

Thousands of Fish Rehomed in Aylesbury

Together with Tring Anglers and the Boxmoor & District Angling Society, Canal & River Trust relocated over 5,000 fish to the Aylesbury Arm of the Grand Union Canal. Mike Heylin OBE, Angling Trust Vice President and Secretary to the Boxmoor & District Angling Society said: “When we heard that the canal needed some extra fish we offered some roach and bream as really we had too many in this water.”
> Read more
There’s always something exciting happening at the Canal & River Trust. Keep up to date with their latest news and views including fishing news HERE.

Our Waters Need You

Blueprint for Water have created an infographic that shows the worrying state of our waters, the threats they face and how you can make a difference. Beneath the surface, our waters are in trouble. Less than a quarter of water bodies are in good health and face many threats, including, overuse, pollution and habitat destruction. With 40% of Atlantic Salmon populations declining and 77% of England’s unique chalk streams in bad health, it’s clear that our waters need your help.
> Read more and check out the infographic

Dates For Your Diary
Meet the Angling Trust and Fish Legal at the following shows...

The British Fly Fair International - 7th and 8th February

Join us at the British Fly Fair International at Staffordshire County Showground, ST18 0BD. The BFFI still attracts the best demonstration tyers from around the world and quality trade stands. Tying, casting, rod building, fishing techniques and entomology are all here to be discovered.

More info at

Carpin' On 2015 - 7th and 8th March

The UK’s #1 carp fishing exhibition which covers all aspects of carp-angling and brings all the biggest brands under one roof! Over 80 exhibitors, outdoor demos and displays and live forums, slide shows and tell-all interviews from leading anglers including legendary carp anglers Terry Hearn, Ali Hamidi and the Korda Team, Rob Hughes and many more...
More info at

The Big One - 21st and 22nd March

UK's Largest Fishing Show and Tackle Sale. Join us at FIVE Farnborough, GU14 6AZ on 21st and 22nd March 2015 for a host of Angling Celebrities and tackle bargains.
More info at

Membership: Offers and Competitions
You can check out the full list of great membership benefits and offers HERE.

Win Two Books:
G.E.M. Skues' "Itchen Memories" & His Biography

This week Robert Hale publishes a re-issue of G.E.M. Skues’ classic work Itchen Memories.
To be in with a chance of winning a copy of this and Tony Hayter’s fascinating and richly researched biography of Skues, "The Man of the Nymph", simply email your answer to the question below along with your membership number Ind: 68355 to
Find out more about both books at
In what year was G.E.M. Skues born?
(a) 1858 (b) 1878 (c) 1898

Both books will be posted out to the winner on 13th February so get your answers in to soon!
NB: Don't email us - email the publisher. Only one entry per membership number. Thanks.

15% Off Pallatrax Bait and Products

Pallatrax, the innovative bait and tackle company, is offering Angling Trust individual members 15% off all telephone orders. Pallatrax products can be viewed online at
> Read how to get your discount
Pallatrax can also be followed on Facebook at and on Twitter at @pallatraxuk.

Social Media - Follow us!

Fish cages photo for illustrative purposes only by Thomas Bjørkan (Own work, via Wikimedia Commons at Wikpedia
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The Angling Trust, Eastwood House, Rainbow Street, HR6 8DQ.
Registered Business Number: 05320350.
The Angling Trust is the national representative and governing body for angling in England. It is united in a collaborative relationship with Fish Legal, a separate membership association using the law to protect fish stocks and the rights of its members throughout the UK. Joint membership packages with Fish Legal are available for individuals, clubs, fisheries and other categories.

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