Saturday 31 January 2015

Disgraceful happenings in the sea around Norway.  Mass escape of FARMED RAINBOW TROUT -

Please click on the link TO SEE WHAT CAN HAPPEN with these polluting fish farms...


A few days ago facebook ignited with grotesque images of escaped farmed rainbow trout in Norway.  Norwegian sportfishermen are posting images of the 60-80 fish they are catching per day in a race to keep these "fish" from entering wild salmon rivers and digging up the eggs of the last few wild Atlantic salmon.  The controversy that has built is causing unprecedented political response recommending the salmon farming industry get out of the ocean. For the politicians who refuse to see the damage, the call is for them to get out of office.
Reading this and looking at the pictures is like looking in the mirror - farmed steelhead, infected with viruses threatening wild Atlantic salmon...
This industry has to go.  Their last stronghold has turned on them. Consider sharing this blog with all your politicians and would be politicians.
Alexandra Morton
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GOOD NEWS FROM SCOTLAND TOO AS USAN SALMON NETTING COMPANY ADMIT ILLEGAL FISHING.   Just a slap on the wrist I suspect as the netting and fish farms of Scotland get protection from the Government.

NEWS RELEASE                                                  29 January 2015
Scotland’s biggest salmon netting company pleads guilty to wildlife crime – for fishing outwith permitted hours
Salmon and Trout Association (Scotland) welcomes Usan’s admission of serious breaches of fishery regulations
The Salmon and Trout Association (Scotland) (S&TA(S)) has welcomed the admission on Tuesday at Forfar Sheriff Court by Usan Salmon (Scotland’s largest salmon netting company) that it had committed serious breaches of fishery regulations at its netting stations south of Montrose. The company, whose Directors include David Pullar and George Pullar, entered guilty pleas to several charges of netting outwith permitted hours during 2013. It also pled guilty to additional charges for similar offences in 2014.
The relevant salmon legislation requires, in the interests of conservation, that no salmon netting occurs between 6 pm on Fridays and 6 am on Mondays (“the weekly close time”).
Hughie Campbell Adamson, Chairman of S&TA(S), commented:
“We welcome Usan’s admission that it has been fishing illegally. Salmon runs are severely depleted and it is more important than ever that those with netting rights exercise them responsibly and certainly within the law. Maximising illegal exploitation by systematically ignoring the weekly close time is indefensible. Such activity amounts to wildlife crime – pure and simple.”
Sentencing of Usan will take place following a proof of mitigation hearing scheduled for March 31.


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