Monday 26 January 2015


Looks like a whole lot of hoping going on.   Of course there will be some early fish, though 3rd March was never regarded as early.  Running water has been good all winter and there could be a springer anywhere.

The Thin Blue Line

26th January, 2015

Following last years disappointing number of returning salmon, there has been a lot of discussion as to why and also what will be the long term significance. All agree that 2014 was very poor and generally, it was felt that it was a result of much reduced marine survival rates. Consensus hasn't exactly been reached as to whether this is part of an on going decline or another twist and turn in the fortunes of this amazing creature.
Could it be, say the optimists (WUF tend towards this camp) that the decline in grilse and late summer fish heralds replacement with a return to an early spring run? Unquestionably this would benefit both Usk and Wye. Many years ago, one the Usk's most famous fishers, Lionel Sweet, told me that he had  taken one or more springer on every day in February (it used to open on the 15th back then) and they averaged 19 1/2 lbs. He landed just one fish of 10lbs and felt slightly cheated as his average dropped below 20lbs!
The Tay is another river that used to be famous for its early spring run. The last few years have seen a modest but clearly recognisable increase in these early fish. If you look at the Tay catches this year, there is already a Thin Blue Line for January after just 10 days. Can we expect some early fish on Wye and Usk too? If floods or freezing cold don't keep us indoors, the 3rd March will give us the answers but will you be there to find out?
The Booking Office is now taking bookings for SEASON RODS. There is an interesting selection on both Wye and Usk. Allyson is gradually opening up the various coarse and salmon beats. These can be seen on the booking office website. 
An early spring fish 
March Brown another harbinger of better days
Could you be a WUF trustee? If so please have a look here and let us know how you can help (Our elections are held in June) 
The Wye In between small floods, there are opportunities to get at the  grayling, pike and chub fishing again. It's very much a case of checking the forecasts and gauges before you go. If in doubt, please give the office a call and please let us have your fishing feedback.  
All the best from WUF

Details of our Projects can be found here.
Click here for anglers' reports and here for monthly fishing reports.
For details of WUF's Consultations, Click here.
EA & NRW Emergency Hotline: 0800 80 70 60    Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water Emergency Sewage Line: 0800 085 3968
Rainfall at Llanstephan 2015 to date: 3" (2014: 54" 2013: 39", 2012: 47", 2011: 29")
Bookings and availability Tel: 01874 712 074
This email was sent by The Wye & Usk Foundation.
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