Friday 21 February 2020

Yesterdays rise on the upper river was short lived and the river is now falling again though still high obviously and looks likely to remain so for some time with more rain in the offing.

Congratulations to Bigswier angler Geoff Handley for his part in the rescue of a woman from the river Wye earlier in the week.  Well done Geoff.

You may well have seen the WUF plan to try and alleviate severe flooding in the future or at least to
try and improve matters =mostly by  improving  soil absorption.   However I fear that the below statement makes a nonsense of the whole thing.  If the project was completed the amount of water it could store would be equivalent to little more than one days flow????

The Wye catchment covers an area of around 460,000 hectares. Much of this area’s soil has depleted organic matter, an important factor in how much water it can hold. If the organic matter of the soil improved by 1% in 70% of this area, around 64 billion litres more water can be stored in it.
The Environment Agency estimated that around 60 billion litres passed under Hereford Bridge yesterday, which saw the peak of the flood.

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