Friday 15 October 2021

 Some more fish reported but I'm not. They need to think again.

Regarding yesterdays reply from Sophie Gott NRW regarding various matters regarding the so called bylaw consultation I would point out this reply was n0 mysubmission.  However i would have to agree to everything that was proposes.

On one hand they stress the need for conservation of a below sustainable spawning stock yet still allow fishing late in the season on the uppermost river because ' Fish don't often get there until then?  Well they damn well used to in the past and if run timings have changed then tough luck on the owners/fisherman. Swings and roundabout.  They suggest 60 odd fish might be saved by a reduction in the season/  Do they mean saved from being caught or killed and on what facts do they base this on.  32% of the fish caught in the last month on the upper river they say..  I suspect many other sections of the river would welcome the same proportion at some time during the season, The whole thing is illogical.   The two below paragraphs make no sense when read together.

"By managing the fishing as C&R and

having introduced the method restrictions, we believe that we can maintain the

socioeconomic value of the fishery whilst protecting the stock. Furthermore, closing the

salmon fishing season on the Usk and Wye on the 15th September would have a

disproportionate impact on those anglers fishing the upper beats, where fish tend to arrive

later in the season. On average 26% of the Usk and 32% of the Wye rod catch is caught in

that last month, and there would be a socioeconomic cost to the proposal to end the

season earlier."

NRW have concluded, in light of the status and spawning deficits of Usk and Wye salmon

and sea trout stocks which consequently are deemed unsustainable with risks of ongoing

decline to unsafe stock levels, that the proposals are necessary, proportionate and


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