Thursday, 4 March 2021


Well the good news is the new bill was passed in the Senedd yesterday which SHOULD help in the control of poor farming practices polluting our rivers and stream.

However it is of course dependant on farmers obeying those rules and many are often reluctant especially is no subsidy is involved.  It depends too on enforcement by the welsh government, something they don't seem to be very efficient at.  We shall have to see but its a step in the right direction.

There was a fish yesterday it seems from Loxsters pool at Whitney a fresh ten pounder taken on a single hook FC   There was a photo apparently which I don't have at present nor the name of the angler.

LATEST.  Captor of the fish from Loxsters is said to be Nathan Jubb.

Also a report of another fish hooked and lost on one of the lower middle river beats above Ross.


There was a time of course when the EA Fishery Officer, as it was then, produced a yearly report on all aspects of the Wye fishery.  It was detailed, extensive a provided a wealth of information including that on pollution incidents.   I still have to odd one and the one I am referring to now was from 1987 and was 35 A4 pages in length.  There is an interesting page on Water quality which I will try and attach as it clearly shows how much more effective the Agency was then..

                                                   Luggs Mouth yesterday.

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