Tuesday, 2 March 2021

 Middle and upper river look ok tomorrow with decent rivel levels and a little colour.  Pretty nippy out there still and possibility of some showers too.

Be glad to hear from anyone who goes out tomorrow or has any useful news or observations whatsoever.   Good Luck,

Contact me at geofffranks@icloud.com  or 07838756253.   

Some relevant byelawys

Salmon restrictions

Use barbless or de-barbed hooks.

Fly refers to unweighted artificial fly of less than 5g in weight.

Salmon flies (trebles) are allowed up to 7mm gape - approximately a size 8. If you use larger singles or doubles, they must be de-barbed or barbless.

Only single hooks are allowed on spinners, spoons or plugs, with a maximum gape of 13mm. You can use up to a maximum of 3 singles on a plug.

Shrimp and prawn are allowed with single small treble with a gape less than 7mm.

Using treble hooks on spinners, plugs or spoons is not permitted.

Worm fishing for salmon is prohibited at all times.

Using a float in conjunction with any lure or bait to take salmon is not allowed in the Wye Fisheries District or in the Upper Severn Area.

Groundbait or feeder bait is not allowed at any time.

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