Thursday 7 January 2021

 Just had the latest Trout and salmon.   I see that in my report they have suggested i put the Wye rod catch at some 800.  Well of course it's an obvious misprint but we can all hope for next season at the very least.

I see too that the Bristol reservoirs, Chew and Blagdon are under serious threat as the water authority who controls them seem no longer to have much interest as they are loosing money. Seems they are asking for a group or groups to take over the running of them although they will continue as usual next season.

This would be a massive loss to trout fishing, not least for the history that the two lakes have shared over the decades and for the mass of fond memories I have during the many trips I went there years ago. Must get back there for a visit next season.

Also in T&S there is a report of a pollutant causing concern having been found in 99 per cent of samples taken in English rivers. Its a pet flea treatment called Fipnonill and its said a few drops has the toxicity to kill millions of insects having been washed into rivers through the sewage systems.  Sometimes said to be up to 38 times above the safety limit

It was some time ago now that I recall WUFs Director Simon Evans mentioning flea powder as a possible danger which may have prompted some sceptical comments at the time.  I may have made one myself in which case I apologise Simon.

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