Tuesday 22 December 2020

 River still high and angry and another dose of rain tomorrow it seems.  Not much fishing to be had even if we could.

Interesting/depressing article here;   The scale of this is mind boggling.



This is the relevant section.

Salmon exports: 'Nothing is moving'

Tavish Scott

Losing access to European markets in the run up to Christmas is "really, really difficult" for Scottish salmon producers, says Tavish Scott, of the Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation.

He told BBC News the week running up to Christmas and the week after were crucial for the sector.

"We look to export 150 tonnes a day, £1m of business every single day, 20 trucks of fresh salmon going across the Channel and that is simply not happening," he said. "This is the crucial week in terms of the whole year, with the premium prices obtained at this time of year in the run up to Christmas, and nothing is moving."

Mr Scott said the industry had spoken to the government about setting up a testing regime on Sunday but so far nothing had happened.

"Christmas is on Friday, the Christmas market now looks like it is gone for our sector, what we are now focusing on is how quickly we will be able to get back into the European marketplace after Christmas," he said.

As an aside I was in a big supermarket yesterday and on the fish slab were three salmon all at least 12/15 lbs        Label said fresh Scottish salmon half price. It did in fact look really fat and bright with reasonable fins  I asked what the price for the whole fish was and was told about £20.    Sign of the times eh  - a fresh Wye salmon in the 80s was between £3.50 and £4 per pound = from the guy who caught it.  Retail heaven only knows.

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