Wednesday 7 October 2020

 Showers yesterday kept the river up and down with another small rise on upper beats.   Not a great deal of chance at the moment.

I understand from a friend that the Tweed, last week I think, produced 690 salmon, well over our seasons total.  Rather puts things in perspective.


Read an article  on Facebook where Countryfile interviewed an EA official re the Lynfi pollution. Can't find it now but a few facts stood out as I recall them.

They couldn't respond to the call immediately as they had another incident elsewhere and the only person available who was 'rested' was two hours away by which time he would have arrived at the scene at dusk alone, which health and safety would not allow.

He agreed they were short of staff and there had been many redundancies taken by experienced officers although they had been replaced by 'dedicated and enthusiastic' individuals but who had little experience.

He indicated they had found the spot where the river was suddenly devoid of life -shouldn't be too difficult to discover the cause then surely.

Apparently there were water samples taken by individuals but would not be allowed as evidence because you need training to do this -and tracking of the sample to avoid possible tampering.So the sample you took would not be admissible in Court even if you gave evidence on oath on where, when and the validity of the contents  Really.

He said a decision as to whether to prosecute should be available shortly.

Have to say I read it with increasing despair at the state of NRW

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