Thursday 24 September 2020

Rain overnight has had no effect and looks unlikely todo so . The Status quo remains with the odd fish from the lower beats -said to be fresh which is unusual for this time of year;

Reported by WUF.

Upper Bisgweir : 9lb fresh hen salmon, small Usk grub, cockpit beat 9am yesterday for Dave Rickards. Also 8lbs fresh salmon on small Allie shrimp fly, September 16th, Little Run. 

 Redbrook : 6lb cock fish today for Simon Maclucas on a small cascade tube fly and a 15lb+ fish lost.Redbrook : Another this morning for a guest of the owner. 

Redbrook : Two more yesterday evening for owner Simon Maclucas, both within 5 mins of each other on the Rock Pool. 31" & 34" on a small thunder & lightning.


Recent letter sent to WAG by Wye Salmon Association.    Just when will the useless NRW and WAG respond and take to action to at least try and repair the current state of the river and it's tributaries?   Are WUF taking up the issue -well as usual we don't know.  Silence!   Anglers are the last to know just what they are doing-if anything.

Dear Ms Griffiths,

On a number of occasions recently I have written to you and NRW executives regarding the plight of Atlantic Salmon and what we believe is a state of emergency with respect to the water quality of the River Wye.


I now find it necessary to write again in defence of the glorious heritage and ecological gem that is the River Wye and its catchment


As I know you are aware, there has been another serious agricultural pollution incident, on the river Llynfi, a tributary entering the Wye at Glasbury, the second in four years on this SAC river. You might understand the devastation felt by the members of Gwent Angling Society (GAS), the club controlling most of these waters, not only at the loss for a second time of their fishery, but as a result of watching this major environmental catastrophe playout.

As recently as July of this year I heard you quoted as saying “The Welsh Government’s commitment to address pollution from agricultural practices, and the decline in biodiversity, requires decisive action before it is too late

. Over the last four years, based upon the information presented to you by GAS in Annex 1 to their latest letter, there appears little evidence of urgency or commitment. Whilst you decide to take action in protecting our rivers, another total ecological wipe-out of this glorious river has occurred, and more will follow unless your response is immediate and significant.

In support of our members and all those who care about our rivers we seek answers to the following;

➢ When will NRW be resourced and managed well enough to deliver upon their mandate of regulation and enforcement?

➢ Can you confirm your commitment to reinstating NRW’s remit to address agri-pollution regulation and enforcement between now and April 2021?

➢ Can you confirmation the date for implementation of effective agricultural regulation

➢ Can you confirm a prosecution is and will be pursued.

➢ When are offenders going to feel the pain of their transgressions rather than

anglers and other river users?

I look forward to a speedy answer to these questions.

I am sure you will not wish to prevaricate whilst pristine Welsh rivers continue to be ruined

Yours sincerely

Stuart Smith


Wye Salmon Association


Simon Hart, MP: Secretary of State for Wales

Sir David Henshaw NRW

Clare Pillman, NRW

Peter Gough, NRW

Dave Collins, Vice Chairman (Afon Llynfi), Gwent Angling Society

Simon Evans, The Wye and Usk Foundation

Steve Ormerod: Wales Fisheries Forum

David Revill, Chair Wye LFG

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