Saturday 12 September 2020

Few more fish reported.  Persistence finally paid of for Kenny Powell who took a nice 13lb fish from the Red Lion beat yesterday amongst the barbel fishers,

Cadora Backs : From owner Maurice Hudson - 12lb stale cock and 4lb fresh grilse this am. 8lb stale cock yesterday evening. Plenty of fish showing but water still too high and coloured for ideal conditions. Seasons total still a meagre 9 salmon though fishing effort has been low for a number of reasons.

Four from Wyesham yesterday apparently.


What a fish from the Ross AC waters.  Whatever is caught from the Wye this season will not in my opinion surpass the sheer rarity and quality of this huge brown trout.  Some speculation I understand as to whether its a brown trout or sea trout but no doubt whatsoever in my mind   A fantastic brownie. 

8lb 4oz Trout caught from Ross AC waters on an imitation roach lure.

Rob Leather took this monster when he went down to the Wye with his son never really meaning to fish at all, but when he spotted perch crashing into baitfish he borrowed a 13 foot float rod to put a spinner through the area.

In his words Rob told me, “after an upstream cast the rod bent double and a large silver streak rolled just below the surface. Then all hell broke loose with the fish first screaming upstream, then downstream and then towards the nearside bushes. The long rod was just enough to keep the fish out.”

Rob did consider jumping in the River to get a better pulling angle. His son helped to land the trout and take some photos. The fish spent some time resting in the landing net before being released back into the River.

There is a debate going on within the Club as to whether it was a trout or a sea trout and Rob took the trouble to take a scale so that it can be confirmed one way or the other. Rob says catching it still feels like a dream which it would be for most anglers!


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