Monday 10 August 2020


No fish news of any sort as the river sinks further into the doldrums.   Thunderstorms forecast but they just often bring in a short spate with very heavy colour.   Prospects are grim for sure.


Was given this booklet recently.  Massive amount of research done by Arthur Hutton, all 59 pages of it.

Its pretty heavy going in many places but I found it very interesting.  Some of you may well find the same to will publish some of it in the weeks ahead.   The comment at the top of the leaflet is by Robert Pashley and notes something we are all too aware of at the moment.

The swan I mentioned recently trying to rouse its long  dead partner is still there trying its best and refuses to leave it. Probably be dead itself soon.  Crossed the river yesterday to try and feed on crass cut up by someone strimming the bank side.

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