Friday 7 August 2020

Looks like a few tough days ahead for the river and its salmon with temperatures set to soar.

Obviously most anglers will have the sense not to fish in these condition as even if the salmon would decide to take their survival thereafter would be in serious doubt.   Lets hope most will have the good sense not to fish but I guess not all will.  Should be a system to stop all salmon angling for conditions such as this.


Please find below a detailed update by Gwent Angling Society on the appalling pollution incident that occurred on the river Llynfi, a tributary entering the Wye at Glasbury 

You will I am sure seen the WSA press release regarding the issue. A document that we gave a very wide airing, circulation it to senior members of NRW, Powys CC and Welsh Government, as well as Sec. of State for Wales, UK Environment Minister plus MPs, and MS (Members of Senydd).  The article, along with information from other organisations has been picked up widely by the press and TV News.

This is the fourth such incident on this river, and simply adds to the almost daily pollution events across Wales. It is clear to the angling community and any outsider, that the current level of deterrent for pollution events on our rivers is simply insufficient, being viewed as a business expense, in the event the polluter is identified and prosecuted, that can be defrayed in part by business insurance. With the law as it stands, we will continue to see one pollution event after another, with a similar result each time. The environment is now becoming a key political issue, with more and more people demanding we live in a clean and pollution free environment. Without strong legislation, this simply is not possible, and just reflects negatively on those elected representatives responsible.

Hence the need for a public enquiry, as proposed in our press release, conducted by an independent QC, to make recommendations on changes to the law. The changes need to provide real jeopardy to those polluting. Fines need to substantially exceed insured amounts, or custodial sentences need to be granted.

This enquiry proposal, although likely costly, is being given proper consideration and support amongst clubs, owners, and anglers, and has now been formalized by the Chair of the Wye LFG in a letter to the CEO and Board of NRW.

  An inquiry should consider how the law should be amended by Welsh Government, to allow for proper enforcement, looking at not only punishment, but also whether the prosecuting authority has sufficient resources, and is sufficiently independent to deliver this. Custodial sentences, and a far greater opportunity for private prosecutions should be provided for riparian owners and clubs downstream of a pollution event.

  Please can you put forward the proposal for an urgent independent enquiry to your local MP/MS, and pass onto your Club members to do the same.

  More information soon


Update on the Llynfi Pollution

General update 
We have been working very closely with NRW, since the weekend, as a result of which we hope that NRW will quickly be able to bring about a successful prosecution. A detailed report will be sent to NRW and to Fish Legal as evidence for future reference.

Media outlets that have picked up the story include:

BBC item on Llynfi pollution on BBC Wales (5th August 2020) 
We were disappointed that, having prepared a thorough and factual brief, and has spoken about the severity and consequences of the pollution for over 10 minutes, all of Dave’s key content was not used. The misleading and out of date statements about numbers of fish killed can only have been taken from comments from NRW earlier in its investigation (which have since been updated).  
At the end of the interview, the journalist asked for some additional footage from another angle. That this was used as one of the main elements of the piece is also a source of dissatisfaction.
The facts that Dave outlined to the camera include:

  • 5km of the river had been affected and virtually all fish killed (tens of thousands)
  • Species affected included minnows, bullheads, lampreys, juvenile trout, salmon, and grayling, and that more mature trout and grayling, growing towards or already having reproductive potential, were dead and the consequences of that
  • There was significant invertebrate damage 
  • The effects that loss of fish and invertebrates have on the balance of the river’s ecology
  • An estimate that following the 2016 pollution, when everything was also killed, that it would then take another ten years for the river to recover and that it would now likely be 2030 before that scale of recovery was achieved
  • Because of low flow rates, the pollutant had move slowly and stayed in the river for several days
  • That the club had done a huge amount of work over the last four years monitoring fish populations, opening tree canopy to let in light to sustain invertebrate populations, removing in-stream obstructions to improve river flows, maintain gravel beds and to reduce erosion and siltation

When asked what needed to happen next Dave stated:

  • NRW needed to continue its evidence gathering and bring about a successful prosecution
  • Though we would not be fishing, our work would continue to provide habitat and the re-establishment of invertebrate populations, preparing for returning fish
  • WG needed to get on with regulating agriculture and not postponing regulation for possibly another 1-2 years

We are also frustrated that the journalist/editor selected only photos of larger dead fish supplied by Gwent Angling Society and ignored the photos of the banks littered with small fish and of the visually impenetrable, grey, foam-covered polluted river from Saturday (in favour of the gin-clear river on Wednesday).
While we accept that the BBC’s perception of legal risk might partly explain the light touch nature of this item, we hope that Dave’s discussion and testimony will be used in a more detailed item when the source has been formally identified. 
In the meantime we will contact the BBC producer, to explain that we didn't think we were well represented and ask for the reasons why.

Be assured that this battle has only just begun and your committee are using every available means to get justice for the club and all its members.



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