Saturday 11 July 2020

The river is still falling in all areas and conditions continue to improve and it does seem that there has, and continues to be a respectable run of fish which should soon show up rather more on the middle and upper beats.  With settled weather forecast could be a good week ahead.

Simon McLucas reports two more fish from his beat at Redbrook, 10 and 12lbs on a red Francis.

Bigswier also report a few more fish giving them a total of 57 topped by a 45" fish taken on fly and estimated at 33lb   Name of angler not given -for whatever reason.

LATEST   Two fish 9 and 11lb reported from the Rock pool at the Rectory

Apologies for the typing errors earlier.  Was in a hurry!!!
Following the picture I posted yesterday someone kindly sent me the below email.  I found it interesting  especially  the though of a 36lb fish foul hooked on the fly and landed  Would like to have seen that.

I'm really pleased to see today's picture of Frank and Charlie with the forty pounders, and also that my recollections of the story were broadly correct. The version I heard was that Frank had wound himself to a standstill as the slipping clutch on his new ambassadeur was not what he was used to, previous gildex having direct drive.
Frank was regularly on the opposite river bank to us, and was generous to me in later years, often stopping fishing to let me go through the stretch known as the bar and boils on Holme lacey 4 and fownhope 5. One time a fish showed as we were talking across the river, and he insisted I covered it first. I hooked it on the fly, he was pleased for me and advised " take your time sonny" before waving to my dad to come and help.
Charlie was slight of build but very strong. Among his many other big fish he landed a thirty six pounder on the fly, on his own, despite it being foul hooked in the tail. He described an immense tug of war when he eventually got the gaff into it but only level with the vent as the fish was still head down!!
Let's hope this latest water finally brings some fish up,


Did you see the programme on the ITV Welsh news yesterday evening again highlighting the state of the river Wye.   We had WUF CEO examining a rock and bemoaning the lack of any insect life. Having been at it for 20years know how did he not see it coming. Couple of farmers were offended that anyone had the gall to question their ethics.  One proudly showed us the storage tanks taking waste water from his chicken farm   One begs the question what happens to it when its full.  Another said they would never co operate with the Foundation again. Poor dears.  All thats asked of them is to follow the regulations they should be working under and stop polluting the river.

Another couple of nice fish from the past

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