Wednesday 15 July 2020

Only one fish reported and that was from Glanwye yesterday.  9lbs.
Many of the middle beats are seeing basically nothing despite good rod effort but its difficult to know
if the recent downstream  reporting lockdown is continuing or fish are no longer being caught. Perhaps now the stock is presumably spreading out there are not as many fish as first thought.?

Recent ICES report on salmon stock assessment is difficult reading, apart from a couple of hours out of you life and absolutely full, of perhaps, maybe, estimated, with hardly a confirmed statistic in the whole document.

However I did think this was interesting;
"A targeted investigation of seven catchments in Wales following the events of winter 2015/16
(Bewes, Davey and Gregory, 2019), concluded that 2016 recorded the lowest salmon fry density
of any year in the time-series (1992–2018). Densities in 2017 and 2018 were also low by historical
standards, so 2016 was not an isolated poor year. This pattern was also true for salmon parr
sampled in 2017 (i.e. fish largely of the same cohort), which also recorded the lowest density of
the time-series. Densities of trout fry in 2016 and trout parr in 2017 were also signifcantly lower
than most years"

Most impressive part of the report however is the number of references at the end indicating  the range of scientific 'studies' considered by this report   It takes up five whole pages.   One can only guess at the cost of these scientific studies never mind the effectiveness of any of them


Below Image kindly sent by Tony Mobley from the fishing hut of the  Golden Mile

Once again you have to say that's one hell of a fish especially on the tackle available then.

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