Sunday 4 September 2016

Upper river is on the rise again though again just a small freshener I suspect. levels are ok elsewhere and colour is reasonable.

LATEST  Upper river just about topped now -respectable rise on way.  Ithon though not up a great deal is very brown as is the Irfon so expect considerable colour eventually.

Hope to have the report today regarding the deplorable and  'unprecedented' (their words) drop in juvenile salmon numbers on the Usk.   Obviously gives them more ammunition to impose total catch and release which will go down like a lead balloon among many Welsh anglers, who, like the odd one or two elsewhere in the UK probably won't take any notice anyway.
Catch and release is still a debatable way of restoring runs but nevertheless if logic (Often missing one has to say) follows their findings then they must impose it. together with a ban on bait fishing too.

Wonder what WUF have to say about all this -silence so far.

Ross AC 10lb fish to Ray Morris.
Two fish today from Golden Mile/Sheepwash
Below Dave Palmer with a 15lb fish from Handcocks Stream, Golden Mile on a Red Devil fly/
Bottom picture 11 lb fish to Bob Mason on an Usk grub from Sheepwash.

As you can see 3 and 2sw fish now on the whole well coloured up.

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