Saturday 10 September 2016

Some significant rain overnight has raised levels considerably on the upper river and we are in for yet another small spate.  River will probably be out this weekend on the upper beats, with the water affecting the lower beats tomorrow.  There is also water from the Ithon and Irfon so expect plenty of colour initially.

David Reville  Upper Bigswier. 6lbs.
Ray Morris. Weirend. Ross ??

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Atlantic Salmon Federation News
  Fri., Sept. 9, 2016
ASF RIVERNOTES - A Special Report from Ungava, and great short videos
As Autumn begins, Atlantic salmon continue to come in from the sea, and many moving upstream have developed fall colours. Check out the special reports and great videos this week.

DFO Approves Major Striped Bass Season Extension
In light of the massive population explosion of striped bass in the Miramichi, the season has been extended until the end of October. For more details:

NB Salmon Council in Favour of Removing Mactaquac Dam
Gary Spencer of the NBSC discussed the possibilities for restoring the St. John River to health through removal of the Mactaquac Dam.

RESEARCH UPDATE - Escapees in New Brunswick, and Electrofishing
In an update to the Research activities,  ASF Biologist Graham Chafe discusses the latest field activity, including the monitoring of farmed salmon escapees at the Magaguadavic Fishway.

Swim with Atlantic Salmon in a National Park
Fundy National Park has developed a program for limited numbers of visitors to take part in surveys of salmon numbers in one of the park's rivers. Read more:

NS Protestors of Alton Gas Project Occupy DFO Minister's Office
Citing the impact on the endangered wild Atlantic salmon of the Shubenacadie River, protestors took over the constituency office of Dominic LeBlanc.

NL Court Fines Angler and Seizes Equipment for Untagged Salmon
An angler pleaded to keep his angling gear in court, but to no avail, regarding a charge of having an untagged salmon.

Welsh Salmon Runs Threatened by Decline in Fry Numbers
For reasons poorly understood, the density of young Atlantic salmon in Welsh rivers is dropping, threatening the future of the species there.

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