Thursday 15 September 2016

Many long time anglers will fondly remember Cliff Lloyd who served for many years as head bailiff for the River Wye. Together with his teram of 11men he was a force for good on this river. and fought long and hard against determined poaching gangs.   He was a fair minded countryman who ran a tight ship and worked hard during difficult times to uphold the standards on the river. He and his team worked closely with our Association on such things as combating poaching, redd counting and obtaining fish for the hatchery at Glasbury which produced up to a million fry on occasions. I fondly remember those anti poaching patrols, catching up fish from below the falls on the Chewfri and so on.  We used to see bailiffs on our beats once or twice a week in those days and the exchange of information was invaluable. On the upper river Ray Dobbins, Alan Price, Mike Morgan and George Smith were my most regular visitors.  When did you last see a bailiff nowadays.
Everyone had their own beat in those days throughout the river and did their best to guard it well. How things have changed and we are the poorer for it.

Cliff knew the river like the back of his hand as did most of the bailiffs but I don't thing the new regime we have now ever saw fit to consult them in any way about anything. What a sad state of affairs when we are now overseen by those who never got their feet wet or their hands dirty.

I was glad to have considered him a friend of which he had many and I have expressed our sadness at his departure to his wife Audrey today on our members behalf. He leaves too a daughter Julia.
Details of the funeral will follow when they are to hand.

Jon Hutcheon with a 6lb fish from Hancocks Stream on the Golden Mile on an Ally's Shrimp yesterday.

Glanwye.  10lb fish to James Bainbridge.
Whitney.  35" fish to Dr Bradshaw


New ASF Logo

Atlantic Salmon Federation News
  Fri., Sept. 16, 2016
ASF RIVERNOTES - Some Rivers Do Have Water, and Others are Much in Need
ASF checks rivers from Labrador, where the season just ended, to Maine. Water levels are a major topic of conversation at the moment as everyone awaits the Fall Runs of Atlantic salmon.

ASF Researchers Sampling Streams
ASF Biologists are electrofishing this week to check the densities of juvenile Atlantic salmon and other fish. More salmon farm escapees showing up at a fishway

ASF Bridging a Stream in the Narraguagus Headwaters
In Maine, John Burrows explains one of the many headwaters projects that are reopening spawning habitat for Atlantic salmon through replacing old culverts with bridges and other structures.

DiCaprio Unveils Free Technology To Spy on Global Fishing
A potentially revolutionary website allows users to follow thousands of individual fishing vessels around the globe, in an effort to curb illegal fishing.  A considerable amount of the funding has come from Leonardo diCaprio. Check it out!

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