Monday 22 August 2016

Decent spate continues and should raise levels downstream by two feet or so shortly.  Obviously coloured but not as bad as it often is after more rain overnight in the hills.

I see there has been a shifting of chairs in WUF.  far from leaving WUF the ex director is still covertly in charge;

Dr Stephen Marsh-Smith OBE (Advisory Director and Company Secretary)

Dr Stephen Marsh-Smith (WUF) Chair of Steering Group

Also Treasurer of the new Wye Conservators Group. Not forgetting the welsh rivers Trust position.

Im sure the new  tDirector w0uld have hoped o have a clean slate to perhaps put his own stamp on the way forward for WUF but I guess not.   Hands tied behind his back and a hand on his shoulder is no way to try and be your own man  I feel really sorry for him in that position.   Stand up for yourself Simon!!


Some water quality figures below -if you can interpret them???

Make time to go fishing
Environment Agency
August newsletter
Let’s grow the angling community: hook a young’un on fishing!
For fishing to thrive as a sport we need to encourage the next generation of anglers. While the summer days are still with us, why not take along a family member or young pal and see if they take the bait for angling?
Thirteen year-old Jasper in the photos above was on his first fishing trip with his grandad and an angling friend. Now he’s hooked on fishing and can’t wait for his next trip!
If you’d prefer to encourage someone to fish with the support of experts, visit one of the Angling Trust’s family-friendly angling events - check out what’s on offer near you.
Help us keep fisheries flourishing
We do a lot to support fishery owners keep waters healthy, including advising on creating suitable habitat, and the best ways to manage aeration and fish stocks.
As part of the angling community, you too can help ensure fisheries flourish by following good practice and passing on your knowledge to the angling newcomers you meet.
Our top tips include not using too much groundbait, keeping tackle tidy, and looking out for signs that fish are in fine fettle. Read our fisheries team member (and veteran fishing enthusiast) Steve Chambers’ recommendations on how anglers can do their bit to make fisheries healthy places.
Help salmon thrive: follow catch and release guidelines
As part of our 2-year, 5-point approach to restore salmon stocks, we’re aiming to protect and grow the numbers of this majestic species. Our work to do this includes upholding and applying fishing laws, improving habitat, and forming partnerships with organisations that share our goals.
You can also help to restore salmon stocks and safeguard their future by following simple catch and release guidelines. Learn more about allowing your catch to swim away safely by reading this handy leaflet, available on the Angling Trust’s website.
River quality: check your local results
Each year we gather data about fish populations on main rivers. Our surveys record important information like species numbers, size and age, and from this we get a good picture of overall fish health. During this work we often use electrofishing equipment, and you can see one of our teams in action in this short video clip.
All the fish survey information we collect becomes part of our overall assessment of river quality, to which we add data like water quality and any physical changes made to water bodies. We publish all this information for anyone to view on our online catchment data explorer pages.
Make time to relax and go fishing – buy your licence today
Please fish legally, and don’t do anything that may harm fish and other wildlife.
Remember: if you are coarse fishing with 3 or 4 rods, you’ll need 2 licences.
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