Sunday 24 July 2016

Another quiet day yesterday. Fish seem to have gone doggo with the river dropping away. Visibility is better but still not its usual clarity by any means.Slightly cooler in the week ahead apparently which might help.

As for the canoe situation it's outrageous in many places, especially at Glasbury where I am still waiting for Mark Lloyd from the Angling Trust to tell me the difference between canoeing situation below and above Glasbury Bridge.   There is none of course except those above Glasbury bridge try to send every canoeist anywhere but there and with friends in the right places manage to do so.
Just had my second reminder to renew my AT subscription.  Go whistle in the wind !!!. Initial hopes of a body able to represent ALL anglers still seems a long way off to me.
There were three more incidents of people fishing from canoes yesterday between Whitney and Red Lion.

9lb fish from Boatside ona Mepps to James Hobbs

Saw this amusing story on the Towy sea trout forum related by Dai Watkins during a sea trout session last night.  Quite an experience. At least the earth moved for him!!


A rather funny story around 11.30pm fishing the run around the bend where we started the other week I found myself literally taking cover and almost burying myself into a scrape in the gravel! There was a wedding in the big house and despite some distant chit chat from the marquis, all was calm until around 11.30 when without warning 5 rockets that must've cost a small fortune launched behind me with an almighty whoosh followed by bangs louder than anything I experienced during my time in the military before a fireworks display rivalling the London Olympics kicked off for s good 5 minutes! 

The valley lit up like a bright Summers Day and the ground shook!

After the main event and once my legs were working again we fished on for another two hours to tunes including Michael Jackson's Beat It and Lionel Ritchie Dancing in the Ceiling. I must say the band and sound system were fish.

Heart beat finally returned to normal around 8am this morning ready for my Running Club!

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