Tuesday 14 June 2016

Stuart Jarvis funeral was  held today with a service at Landetty Church.   I was hugely well attended by his many friends and the little church was unable to cope, with the service being relayed to those of us outside. Rain before mercifully held of during the service during which a moving and fitting tribute to Stuart was made by Tiggy Legg Burke.  A suitable ending for one of life's gentlemen,


Despite dire warnings of flash flooding very little rain again in the upper catchment. another inch of so with just a touch of colour for the upper beats.

Several reports recently of raw sewage discharges seemingly from the Redbrook sewage works have badly affected the beats below from time to time.
Strange isn't it when so much effort seems to be put into trying to address water quality in other areas the EA licence sewage works to discharge raw sewage into the river from the top to the bottom. As mentioned before this happens when the sewage works gets overloaded or breaks down for some other reason and to save it backing up the system into properties they are allowed to discharge it straight into the river.   People before fish is I suppose understandable up to a point but when will someone insist the Welsh Water and the other utilities get their act together and clean things up with some modern works,   Hands thrown up in horror on the river if a cow craps in the water with miles of fencing to keep them out but human excrement is seemingly an ok risk,  plus the other chemicals that are ejected together with it..   Perhaps we have our priorities wrong somewhere!!!

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