Sunday 8 May 2016

River in a pretty grim state on the upper beats and with mid May approaching many beats have not had a single fish. Levels are dropping elsewhere and it looks like any incoming fish will soon be confined to beats below Monmouth unless more rain is forthcoming.  So much for the much vaunted but seemingly non existent new flow regime.  Another  white elephant.

Looks like the Tay, Tweed and Dee are now getting some better action.

6 1/2lb fish from Upper Bigswiers  to Nathan Jubb
16 1/2lb fish to Tim Pullen from Wyesham on fly.
11 1/2lb from Backney to Lukasz Jastrzab
12lbs from Wyesham to Mark (no canoes above Glasbury on my watch) Lloyd. Bann Shrimp

unday 8 May, 2016


: Wyesham: 12lb for Mark Lloyd on a #8 Bann Shrimp


: Backney: 11.5lbs on spoon for Lukasz Jastrzab


I know many have been following Alexandra Morton in her fight against the foreign salmon sea cage industry in Canada.  Se below. It still goes on with big business ever the driver over the environment.

The relationship between the salmon farming industry and government has become unmistakably unbalanced and disrespectful of Canadians.
The Liberal Minister of Fisheries is actually going to follow through with the Harper-era appeal of the lawsuit I won last year (thanks to Ecojustice).
If the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Harvest win this appeal, the salmon farming corporations using the BC coast will be allowed to put disease-carrying fish into our oceans.

This in no way makes sense and I don't think this is the what we hoped for with this government.

Leadnow has created an easy option for people to contact the Minister about this.
This is a situation so bizarre and inexplicable I really hope you can help stop this madness.
Thank you,
Alexandra Morton

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